Source code for dendropy.model.treeshape

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##  DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library.
##  Copyright 2010-2015 Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder.
##  All rights reserved.
##  See "LICENSE.rst" for terms and conditions of usage.
##  If you use this work or any portion thereof in published work,
##  please cite it as:
##     Sukumaran, J. and M. T. Holder. 2010. DendroPy: a Python library
##     for phylogenetic computing. Bioinformatics 26: 1569-1571.

Models and operations with tree shapes.

import dendropy

### Treeshape Generation

[docs] def star_tree(taxon_namespace, **kwargs): "Builds and returns a star tree from the given taxa block." star_tree = dendropy.Tree(taxon_namespace=taxon_namespace, **kwargs) for taxon in taxon_namespace: star_tree.seed_node.new_child(taxon=taxon) return star_tree