Source code for dendropy.datamodel.charstatemodel

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##  DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library.
##  Copyright 2010-2015 Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder.
##  All rights reserved.
##  See "LICENSE.rst" for terms and conditions of usage.
##  If you use this work or any portion thereof in published work,
##  please cite it as:
##     Sukumaran, J. and M. T. Holder. 2010. DendroPy: a Python library
##     for phylogenetic computing. Bioinformatics 26: 1569-1571.

Character state definitions and alphabets. Certain state alphabets, such as
DNA, RNA, protein, etc.  are defined here. These are termed "fixed" state
alphabets, and for each distinct state alphabet concept (e.g., DNA), there is
one and only one instance of a representation of that concept (i.e., all
DNA-type data in DendroPy, regardless of the source, refer to the same instance
of the state alphabet and state alphabet elements).

import collections
import itertools
from dendropy.datamodel import basemodel
from dendropy.utility import textprocessing
from dendropy.utility import container

## StateAlphabet

[docs] class StateAlphabet( basemodel.DataObject, basemodel.Annotable): """ A master registry mapping state symbols to their definitions. There are two classes or "denominations" of states: - fundamental states These are the basic, atomic, self-contained states of the alphabet, distinct and mutually-exclusive from every other fundamental state. E.g., for DNA: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. - multi-state states The states are second-level or "pseudo-states", in that they are not properly states in and of themselves, but rather each consist of a set of other states. That is, a multi-state state is a set of two or more fundamental states. Multi-state states are of one of two types: "ambiguous" and "polymorphic" states. "Ambiguous" states represent states in which the true fundamental state is unknown, but consists of one of the fundamental states to which the ambiguous states map. "Polymorphic" states represent states in which the entity actually has multiple fundamental states simultaneously. "Ambiguous" states are an expression of uncertainty or lack of knowledge about the identity of state. With "polymorphic" states, on the other hand, there is no uncertaintly or lack of knowledge about the state: the state is known definitively, and it consists of multiple fundamental states. An example of an ambiguous state would be 'N', representing any base in molecular sequence data. An example of a polymorphic state would be the range of a widespread species found in multiple geographic units. Note that multi-state states can be specified in terms of other multi-state states, but that upon instantiation, these member multi-states will be expanded to their fundamental states. State definitions or identities are immutable: their symbology and mappings cannot be changed after creation/initialization. State definitions and identities, however, can be added/removed from a state alphabet. Parameters ---------- label : string, optional The name for this state alphabet. fundamental_states : iterable of strings An iterable of symbols defining the fundamental (i.e., non-ambiguous and non-polymorphic states of this alphabet), with a 1-to-1 correspodence between symbols and states. Each state will also be automatically indexed base on its position in this list. For DNA, this would be something like: ``'ACGT'`` or ``('A', 'C', 'G', T')``. For "standard" characters, this would be something like ``'01'`` or ``('0', '1')``. no_data_symbol : string If specified, automatically creates a "no data" ambiguous state, represented by the (canonical, or primary) symbol "no_data_symbol", which maps to all fundamental states. This will also insert |None| into all symbol look-up maps, which, when dereferenced will return this state. Furthermore, the attribute ``self.no_data_symbol`` will return this symbol and ``self.no_data_state`` will return this state. The 'no data' state will be an ambiguous multistate type. ambiguous_states : iterable of tuples An iterable consisting of tuples expressing ambiguous state symbols and the set of symbols representing the fundamental states to which they map. The first element in the tuple is the symbol used to represent the ambiguous state; this can be blank (""), but if not blank it needs to be unique across all symbols (including case-variants if the state alphabet is case-insensitive). The second element is an iterable of fundamental state symbols to which this ambiguous state maps. The fundamental state symbols *must* have already been defined, i.e. given in the value passed to ``fundamental_states``. Note: a dictionary may seem like a more tractable structure than iterable of tuples, but we may need to specify multiple anonymous or blank ambiguous states. polymorphic_states : iterable of tuples An iterable consisting of tuples expressing polymorphic state symbols and the set of symbols representing the fundamental states to which they map. The first element in the tuple is the symbol used to represent the polymorphic state; this can be blank (""), but if not blank it needs to be unique across all symbols (including case-variants if the state alphabet is case-insensitive). The second element is an iterable of fundamental state symbols to which this polymorphic state maps. The fundamental state symbols *must* have already been defined, i.e. given in the value passed to ``fundamental_states``. Note: a dictionary may seem like a more tractable structure than iterable of tuples, but we may need to specify multiple anonymous or blank polymorphic states. symbol_synonyms : dictionary A mapping of symbols, with keys being the new symbols and values being (already-defined) symbols of states to which they map. This provides a mechanism by which states with multiple symbols can be managed. For example, an ambiguous state, "unknown", representing all fundamental states might be defined with '?' as its primary symbol, and a synonym symbol for this state might be 'X'. """ ########################################################################### ### CLass-level Constants FUNDAMENTAL_STATE = 0 AMBIGUOUS_STATE = 1 POLYMORPHIC_STATE = 2 ########################################################################### ### Life-Cycle and Identity def __init__(self, fundamental_states=None, ambiguous_states=None, polymorphic_states=None, symbol_synonyms=None, no_data_symbol=None, gap_symbol=None, label=None, case_sensitive=True): basemodel.DataObject.__init__(self, label=label) self._is_case_sensitive = case_sensitive # Core collection underlying alphabet self._fundamental_states = [] self._ambiguous_states = [] self._polymorphic_states = [] # Look-up mappings self._state_identities = None self._canonical_state_symbols = None self._canonical_symbol_state_map = None self._full_symbol_state_map = None self._index_state_map = None self._fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map = None self._fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map = None # Suppress for initialization self.autocompile_lookup_tables = False # This identifies the gap state when compiling the state alphabet. The # principle purpose behind this is to be able to tell the gap state # that it is, indeed, a gap state. And the purpose of this, in turn, # is so that the when the gap state is asked for its fundamental # indexes, it will return the fundamental indexes of the missing data # state in its place if it is *NOT* to be treated as a fifth # fundamental state. self.gap_state = None self._gap_symbol = None self.no_data_state = None self._no_data_symbol = None # Populate core collection if fundamental_states: for symbol in fundamental_states: self.new_fundamental_state(symbol) if gap_symbol: self.gap_state = self.new_fundamental_state(gap_symbol) self._gap_symbol = gap_symbol if no_data_symbol: self.no_data_state = self.new_ambiguous_state( symbol=no_data_symbol, member_states=self._fundamental_states) self._no_data_symbol = no_data_symbol if ambiguous_states: for ss in ambiguous_states: self.new_ambiguous_state(symbol=ss[0], member_state_symbols=ss[1]) if polymorphic_states: for ss in polymorphic_states: self.new_polymorphic_state(symbol=ss[0], member_state_symbols=ss[1]) if symbol_synonyms: for k in symbol_synonyms: self.new_symbol_synonym(k, symbol_synonyms[k]) # Build mappings self.compile_lookup_mappings() # Post-initialization self.autocompile_lookup_tables = True def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __eq__(self, other): return other is self def __copy__(self, memo=None): return self
[docs] def taxon_namespace_scoped_copy(self, memo=None): return self
def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): return self ########################################################################### ### Symbol Management def _direct_get_state_for_symbol(self, symbol): """ Returns the |StateIdentity| instance corresponding to ``symbol``. """ for state_symbol, state in self.symbol_state_pair_iter(include_synonyms=True): if state_symbol == symbol: return state raise KeyError(symbol) def _direct_get_fundamental_states_for_symbols(self, symbols): """ Returns the list of |StateIdentity| instances corresponding to the iterable of symbols given by ``symbols``, with each element in ``symbols`` corresponding to a single symbol. """ ss = [] for symbol in symbols: state = self._direct_get_state_for_symbol(symbol) ss.extend(state.fundamental_states) return tuple(ss) def _validate_new_symbol(self, symbol): if symbol is None or symbol == "": raise ValueError("Cannot validate empty symbol") symbol = str(symbol) for state_symbol, state in self.symbol_state_pair_iter(include_synonyms=True): if state_symbol == symbol: raise ValueError("State with symbol or symbol synonym of '{}' already defined is this alphabet".format(symbol)) return symbol
[docs] def new_fundamental_state(self, symbol): """ Adds a new fundamental state to the collection of states in this alphabet. Parameters ---------- symbol : string The symbol used to represent this state. Cannot have previously been used to refer to any other state, fundamental or otherwise, as a primary or synonymous symbol (including implicit synonyms given by case-variants if the state alphabet is not case-sensitive). Cannot be blank ("") or |None|. Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| The new state created and added. """ if symbol is None or symbol == "": raise ValueError("Fundamental states cannot be defined without a valid symbol") symbol = self._validate_new_symbol(symbol) index = len(self._fundamental_states) new_state = StateIdentity( symbol=symbol, index=index, state_denomination=StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE, member_states=None) self._fundamental_states.append(new_state) if not self._is_case_sensitive: for s in (symbol.upper(), symbol.lower()): if s != symbol: self.new_symbol_synonym(s, symbol) if self.autocompile_lookup_tables: self.compile_symbol_lookup_mappings() return new_state
[docs] def new_ambiguous_state(self, symbol, **kwargs): r""" Adds a new ambiguous state to the collection of states in this alphabet. Parameters ---------- symbol : string or None The symbol used to represent this state. Cannot have previously been used to refer to any other state, fundamental or otherwise, as a primary or synonymous symbol (including implicit synonyms given by case-variants if the state alphabet is not case-sensitive). Can be blank ("") or |None| if there. \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments, mandatory Exactly one of the following must be specified: member_state_symbols : iterable of strings List of symbols representing states to which this state maps. Symbols representing multistates will taken to refer to the set of fundamental states to which they, in turn, map. member_states : iterable of |StateIdentity| objects List of |StateIdentity| representing states to which this state maps. Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| The new state created and added. """ return self.new_multistate( symbol=symbol, state_denomination=StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS_STATE, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_polymorphic_state(self, symbol, **kwargs): r""" Adds a new polymorphic state to the collection of states in this alphabet. Parameters ---------- symbol : string or None The symbol used to represent this state. Cannot have previously been used to refer to any other state, fundamental or otherwise, as a primary or synonymous symbol (including implicit synonyms given by case-variants if the state alphabet is not case-sensitive). Can be blank ("") or |None| if there. \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments, mandatory Exactly one of the following must be specified: member_state_symbols : iterable of strings List of symbols representing states to which this state maps. Symbols representing multistates will taken to refer to the set of fundamental states to which they, in turn, map. member_states : iterable of |StateIdentity| objects List of |StateIdentity| representing states to which this state maps. Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| The new state created and added. """ return self.new_multistate( symbol=symbol, state_denomination=StateAlphabet.POLYMORPHIC_STATE, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_multistate(self, symbol, state_denomination, **kwargs): r""" Adds a new polymorphic or ambiguous state to the collection of states in this alphabet. Parameters ---------- symbol : string or None The symbol used to represent this state. Cannot have previously been used to refer to any other state, fundamental or otherwise, as a primary or synonymous symbol (including implicit synonyms given by case-variants if the state alphabet is not case-sensitive). Can be blank ("") or |None| if there. state_denomination : enum StateAlphabet.POLYMORPHIC_STATE or StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS_STATE \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments, mandatory Exactly one of the following must be specified: member_state_symbols : iterable of strings List of symbols representing states to which this state maps. Symbols representing multistates will taken to refer to the set of fundamental states to which they, in turn, map. member_states : iterable of |StateIdentity| objects List of |StateIdentity| representing states to which this state maps. Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| The new state created and added. """ if symbol is not None and symbol != "": symbol = self._validate_new_symbol(symbol) if len(kwargs) != 1: raise TypeError("Exactly one of 'member_state_symbols' or 'member_states' is required") if "member_state_symbols" in kwargs: member_states = self._direct_get_fundamental_states_for_symbols(kwargs["member_state_symbols"]) elif "member_states" in kwargs: member_states = kwargs["member_states"] else: raise ValueError("Exactly one of 'member_state_symbols' or 'member_states' is required") new_state = StateIdentity( symbol=symbol, index=None, state_denomination=state_denomination, member_states=member_states) if state_denomination == StateAlphabet.POLYMORPHIC_STATE: self._polymorphic_states.append(new_state) elif state_denomination == StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS_STATE: self._ambiguous_states.append(new_state) else: raise ValueError(state_denomination) if symbol and not self._is_case_sensitive: for s in (symbol.upper(), symbol.lower()): if s != symbol: self.new_symbol_synonym(s, symbol) if self.autocompile_lookup_tables: if symbol: self.compile_symbol_lookup_mappings() self.compile_member_states_lookup_mappings() return new_state
[docs] def new_symbol_synonym(self, symbol_synonym, referenced_symbol): """ Defines an alternative symbol mapping for an existing state. Parameters ---------- symbol_synonym : string The (new) alternative symbol. referenced_symbol : string The symbol for the state to which the alternative symbol will also map. Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| The state to which this synonym maps. ------ """ if symbol_synonym is None or symbol_synonym == "": raise ValueError("Symbol synonym cannot be empty") symbol_synonym = self._validate_new_symbol(symbol_synonym) state = self._direct_get_state_for_symbol(referenced_symbol) if symbol_synonym in state.symbol_synonyms: raise ValueError("Symbol synonym '{}' already defined for state '{}".format(symbol_synonym, state)) state.symbol_synonyms.append(symbol_synonym) if self.autocompile_lookup_tables: self.compile_symbol_lookup_mappings() return state
########################################################################### ### Optimization/Sugar: Lookup Mappings and Attribute Settings
[docs] def compile_lookup_mappings(self): """ Builds lookup tables/mappings for quick referencing and dereferencing of symbols/states. """ self.compile_symbol_lookup_mappings() self.compile_member_states_lookup_mappings()
[docs] def compile_member_states_lookup_mappings(self): """ Builds lookup tables/mappings for quick referencing and dereferencing of ambiguous/polymorphic states based on the fundamental states to which they map. """ temp_fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map = {} temp_fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map = {} if self.no_data_state is not None: assert self.no_data_state in self._ambiguous_states self.no_data_state.member_states = tuple(self.fundamental_state_iter()) for idx, state in enumerate(self.state_iter()): if state.state_denomination == StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS_STATE: member_states = frozenset(state.member_states) if member_states in temp_fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map: pass # raise ValueError("Multiple definitions of ambiguous state with member states of '{}': {}, {}. Define a symbol synonym instead.".format( # state.member_states_str, temp_fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map[member_states], state)) else: temp_fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map[member_states] = state elif state.state_denomination == StateAlphabet.POLYMORPHIC_STATE: member_states = frozenset(state.member_states) if member_states in temp_fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map: pass # raise ValueError("Multiple definitions of polymorphic state with member states of '{}': {}, {}. Define a symbol synonym instead.".format( # state.member_states_str, temp_fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map[member_states], state)) else: temp_fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map[member_states] = state self._fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map = container.FrozenOrderedDict(temp_fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map) self._fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map = container.FrozenOrderedDict(temp_fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map)
def _set_symbol_mapping(self, d, symbol, state): if symbol is None or symbol == "": raise ValueError("Symbol synonym cannot be empty") assert symbol not in d d[symbol] = state
[docs] def compile_symbol_lookup_mappings(self): """ Builds lookup tables/mappings for quick referencing and dereferencing of state symbology. """ temp_states = [] temp_symbols = [] temp_canonical_symbol_state_map = collections.OrderedDict() temp_full_symbol_state_map = collections.OrderedDict() temp_index_state_map = collections.OrderedDict() # if self._gap_symbol is not None and self.no_data_state is None: # self.no_data_state = self.new_ambiguous_state(symbol=None, # member_states=self._fundamental_states) if self.no_data_state is not None: assert self.no_data_symbol == self.no_data_state.symbol, "{} != {}".format(self.no_data_symbol, self.no_data_state.symbol) temp_full_symbol_state_map[None] = self.no_data_state for idx, state in enumerate(self.state_iter()): temp_states.append(state) if state.symbol: temp_symbols.append(state.symbol) assert state.symbol not in temp_canonical_symbol_state_map temp_canonical_symbol_state_map[state.symbol] = state self._set_symbol_mapping( temp_full_symbol_state_map, state.symbol, state) if state.symbol_synonyms: for ss in state.symbol_synonyms: self._set_symbol_mapping( temp_full_symbol_state_map, ss, state) else: assert state.state_denomination != StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE state._index = idx if self.gap_state is not None and state is self.gap_state and self.no_data_state is not None: state.is_gap_state = True state.gap_state_as_no_data_state = self.no_data_state else: state.is_gap_state = False state.gap_state_as_no_data_state = None temp_index_state_map[idx] = state self._state_identities = tuple(temp_states) self._canonical_state_symbols = tuple(temp_symbols) self._canonical_symbol_state_map = container.FrozenOrderedDict(temp_canonical_symbol_state_map) self._full_symbol_state_map = container.FrozenOrderedDict(temp_full_symbol_state_map) self._index_state_map = container.FrozenOrderedDict(temp_index_state_map)
[docs] def set_state_as_attribute(self, state, attr_name=None): """ Sets the given state as an attribute of this alphabet. The name of the attribute will be ``attr_name`` if specified, or the state symbol otherwise. Parameters ---------- state : |StateIdentity| The state to be made an attribute of this alphabet. attr_name : string The name of the attribute. If not specified, the state symbol will be used. """ if (state not in self._fundamental_states and state not in self._ambiguous_states and state not in self._polymorphic_states): raise ValueError("State {} not defined in current alphabet".format(state)) if attr_name is None: attr_name = state.symbol if attr_name is None: raise TypeError("Cannot set attribute: non-None symbol needed for state or non-None attribute name needs to be provided") setattr(self, attr_name, state)
########################################################################### ### Special handling to designate gap def _get_gap_symbol(self): return self._gap_symbol def _set_gap_symbol(self, gap_symbol): """ For state alphabets with no explicitly-defined gap and no data (missing) symbols, this method will allow creation of mapping of gaps to no data states, so that tree/data scoring methods that require gaps to be treated as missing data can be used. Note that the gap state needs to be already defined in the state alphabet and already associated with the designated symbol. """ if gap_symbol is not None: self.gap_state = self[gap_symbol] self._gap_symbol = gap_symbol else: self.gap_state = None self._gap_symbol = None gap_symbol = property(_get_gap_symbol, _set_gap_symbol) def _get_no_data_symbol(self): return self._no_data_symbol def _set_no_data_symbol(self, no_data_symbol): if no_data_symbol is not None: self.no_data_state = self[no_data_symbol] self._no_data_symbol = no_data_symbol else: self.no_data_state = None self._no_data_symbol = None no_data_symbol = property(_get_no_data_symbol, _set_no_data_symbol) ########################################################################### ### Symbol Access
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Number of states. """ return ( len(self._fundamental_states) + len(self._ambiguous_states) + len(self._polymorphic_states) )
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Returns :meth:`StateAlphabet.state_iter()`: iterator over all state identities. """ return self.state_iter()
[docs] def state_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over all state identities. """ return itertools.chain( self._fundamental_states, self._ambiguous_states, self._polymorphic_states)
[docs] def fundamental_state_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over all fundamental state identities. """ return itertools.chain(self._fundamental_states)
[docs] def ambiguous_state_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over all ambiguous state identities. """ return itertools.chain(self._ambiguous_states)
[docs] def polymorphic_state_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over all polymorphic state identities. """ return itertools.chain(self._polymorphic_states)
[docs] def multistate_state_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over all ambiguous and polymorphic state identities. """ return itertools.chain(self._ambiguous_states, self._polymorphic_states)
[docs] def fundamental_symbol_iter(self, include_synonyms=True): """ Returns an iterator over all symbols (including synonyms, unless ``include_synonyms`` is |False|) that map to fundamental states. """ for state in self.fundamental_state_iter(): yield state.symbol if state.symbol_synonyms and include_synonyms: for symbol in state.symbol_synonyms: yield symbol
[docs] def ambiguous_symbol_iter(self, include_synonyms=True): """ Returns an iterator over all symbols (including synonyms, unless ``include_synonyms`` is |False|) that map to ambiguous states. """ for state in self.ambiguous_state_iter(): yield state.symbol if state.symbol_synonyms and include_synonyms: for symbol in state.symbol_synonyms: yield symbol
[docs] def polymorphic_symbol_iter(self, include_synonyms=True): """ Returns an iterator over all symbols (including synonyms, unless ``include_synonyms`` is |False|) that map to polymorphic states. """ for state in self.polymorphic_state_iter(): yield state.symbol if state.symbol_synonyms and include_synonyms: for symbol in state.symbol_synonyms: yield symbol
[docs] def multistate_symbol_iter(self, include_synonyms=True): """ Returns an iterator over all symbols (including synonyms, unless ``include_synonyms`` is |False|) that map to multistate states. """ for state in self.multistate_state_iter(): yield state.symbol if state.symbol_synonyms and include_synonyms: for symbol in state.symbol_synonyms: yield symbol
[docs] def symbol_state_pair_iter(self, include_synonyms=True): """ Returns an iterator over all symbols paired with the state to which the they symbols map. """ for state in self.state_iter(): yield (state.symbol, state) if include_synonyms: for synonym in state.symbol_synonyms: yield (synonym, state)
def _get_state_identities(self): """ Tuple of all state identities in this alphabet. """ return self._state_identities states = property(_get_state_identities) def _get_canonical_state_symbols(self): """ Tuple of all state symbols in this alphabet. """ return self._canonical_state_symbols symbols = property(_get_canonical_state_symbols) def _get_canonical_symbol_state_map(self): """ Dictionary with state symbols as keys and states as values. Does not include symbol synonyms or case variations. """ return self._canonical_symbol_state_map canonical_symbol_state_map = property(_get_canonical_symbol_state_map) def _get_full_symbol_state_map(self): """ Dictionary with state symbols as keys and states as values. Includes symbol synonyms or case variations. """ return self._full_symbol_state_map full_symbol_state_map = property(_get_full_symbol_state_map)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns state identity corresponding to ``key``. Parameters ---------- key : integer or string If and integer value, looks up and returns state identity by index. If a string value, looks up and returns state identity by symbol. Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| instance Returns a |StateIdentity| corresponding to ``key``. Raises ------ KeyError if ``key`` is not valid. """ if isinstance(key, int): return self._index_state_map[key] else: return self._full_symbol_state_map[key]
[docs] def get_states_for_symbols(self, symbols): """ Returns list of states corresponding to symbols. Parameters ---------- symbols : iterable of symbols Returns ------- s : list of |StateIdentity| A list of |StateIdentity| instances corresponding to symbols given in ``symbols``. """ states = [self.full_symbol_state_map[s] for s in symbols] return states
[docs] def get_fundamental_states_for_symbols(self, symbols): """ Returns list of *fundamental* states corresponding to symbols. Parameters ---------- symbols : iterable of symbols Returns ------- s : list of |StateIdentity| A list of fundamental |StateIdentity| instances corresponding to symbols given in ``symbols``, with multi-state states expanded into their fundamental symbols. """ states = [] for symbol in symbols: state = self._full_symbol_state_map[symbol] states.extend(state.fundamental_states) return states
[docs] def get_canonical_symbol_for_symbol(self, symbol): """ Returns the canonical state symbol for the state to which ``symbol`` maps. E.g., in a DNA alphabet, return 'A' for 'a'. Parameters ---------- symbol : string Returns ------- s : string Canonical symbol for state with symbol or synonym symbol of ``symbol``. """ return self[symbol].symbol
[docs] def match_ambiguous_state(self, symbols): """ Returns ambiguous state with fundamental member states represented by symbols given in ``symbols``. Parameters ---------- symbols : iterable of symbols Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| instance """ states = frozenset(self.get_fundamental_states_for_symbols(symbols)) return self._fundamental_states_to_ambiguous_state_map[states]
[docs] def match_polymorphic_state(self, symbols): """ Returns polymorphic state with fundamental member states represented by symbols given in ``symbols``. Parameters ---------- symbols : iterable of symbols Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| instance """ states = frozenset(self.get_fundamental_states_for_symbols(symbols)) return self._fundamental_states_to_polymorphic_state_map[states]
[docs] def match_state(self, symbols, state_denomination): """ Returns ambiguous or polymorphic state with fundamental member states represented by symbols given in ``symbols``. Parameters ---------- symbols : iterable of string symbols Symbols representing states to be dereferenced. state_denomination : {StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS or StateAlphabet.POLYPMORPHIC_STATE} Returns ------- s : |StateIdentity| instance """ if state_denomination == StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS_STATE: return self.match_ambiguous_state(symbols=symbols) else: return self.match_polymorphic_state(symbols=symbols)
############################################################################### ## StateIdentity
[docs] class StateIdentity( basemodel.DataObject, basemodel.Annotable): """ A character state definition, which can either be a fundamental state or a mapping to a set of other character states (for polymorphic or ambiguous characters). """ def __init__(self, symbol=None, index=None, state_denomination=StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE, member_states=None): """ A state is immutable with respect to its definition and identity. Specifically, it 'symbol', 'index', 'multistate', and 'member_states' properties are set upon definition/creation, and after that are read-only. Parameters ---------- symbol : string A text symbol or token representation of this character state. E.g., 'G' for the base guanine in a DNA state alphabet, or '1' for presence of a wing in a morphological data set. index : integer The (0-based) numeric index for this state in the state alphabet. E.g., for a DNA alphabet: 0 = 'A'/adenine, 1 = 'C'/cytosine, 2 = 'G'/guanine, 3 = 'T'/thymine. Or for a "standard" alphabet: 0 = '0', 1 = '1'. Note that ambiguous and polymorphic state definitions typically are not indexed. state_denomination : 'enum' One of: ``StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE``, ``StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS_STATE``, or ``StateAlphabet.POLYMORPHIC_STATE``. member_states : iterable of |StateIdentity| instances. If a multi-state, then a collection of |StateIdentity| instances to which this state maps. """ basemodel.DataObject.__init__(self, label=symbol) self._symbol = symbol self._index = index self._state_denomination = state_denomination self._member_states = None self._fundamental_states = None self._fundamental_symbols = None self._fundamental_indexes = None self._fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing = None self._partials_vector = None if member_states is not None: self._member_states = tuple(member_states) else: self._member_states = None self._str = None self._repr = None self._member_states_str = None self._symbol_synonyms = [] # special handling for treating gap states as missing/no-data states self.is_gap_state = None self.gap_state_as_no_data_state = None def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __eq__(self, other): return other is self def __copy__(self, memo=None): return self
[docs] def taxon_namespace_scoped_copy(self, memo=None): return self
def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): return self def _get_index(self): return self._index index = property(_get_index) def __str__(self): if self._str is None: if self._symbol: self._str = str(self._symbol) elif self._state_denomination == StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE: self._str = "" else: self._str = self.member_states_str return self._str def __repr__(self): if self._repr is None: s = str(self) self._repr = "<{} at {}: '{}'>".format(self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)), str(s)) return self._repr def _get_member_states_str(self): """ Representation of member states of self. """ if self._member_states_str is None: if self._state_denomination == StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE: self._member_states_str = str(self) else: s = ",".join([m._symbol for m in self._member_states]) if self._state_denomination == StateAlphabet.AMBIGUOUS_STATE: self._member_states_str = "{" + s + "}" elif self._state_denomination == StateAlphabet.POLYMORPHIC_STATE: self._member_states_str = "(" + s + ")" else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized state denomination: '{}'".format(self._state_denomination)) return self._member_states_str member_states_str = property(_get_member_states_str) def _get_symbol(self): """ Canonical (primary) symbol of this state. """ return self._symbol symbol = property(_get_symbol) def _get_state_denomination(self): """ Type of multi-statedness: FUNDAMENTAL (not a multistate), AMBIGUOUS, or POLYMORPHIC. """ return self._state_denomination state_denomination = property(_get_state_denomination) def _is_single_state(self): """ |True| if a FUNDAMENTAL state. """ return self._state_denomination == StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE is_single_state = property(_is_single_state) def _is_fundamental_state(self): """ |True| if a FUNDAMENTAL state. """ return self._state_denomination == StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE is_fundamental_state = property(_is_fundamental_state) def _get_member_states(self): """ Returns the (fundamental) member states that this state maps to if not itself a fundamental state. """ return self._member_states def _set_member_states(self, member_states): """ Rebuilds member state set. """ if member_states is not None: self._member_states = tuple(member_states) else: self._member_states = None self._fundamental_states = None self._fundamental_symbols = None self._fundamental_indexes = None self._fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing = None self._partials_vector = None self._str = None self._repr = None self._member_states_str = None member_states = property(_get_member_states, _set_member_states) def _get_fundamental_states(self): """ Returns a tuple of fundamental states (i.e., tupe of single states) to which this state maps. """ if self._fundamental_states is None: if self._member_states is None: states = {self:True} else: states = collections.OrderedDict() for state in self._member_states: assert state is not self for s in state.fundamental_states: states[s] = True self._fundamental_states = tuple(states.keys()) return self._fundamental_states fundamental_states = property(_get_fundamental_states) def _get_fundamental_symbols(self): """ Returns a tuple of fundamental state symbols (i.e., tuple of symbols representing single states) to which this state maps. """ if self._fundamental_symbols is None: self._fundamental_symbols = tuple(state.symbol for state in self.fundamental_states) return self._fundamental_symbols fundamental_symbols = property(_get_fundamental_symbols) def _get_fundamental_indexes(self): """ Returns a tuple of fundamental state indexes (i.e., tuple of index values of single states) to which this state maps. """ if self._fundamental_indexes is None: self._fundamental_indexes = tuple([state._index for state in self.fundamental_states]) return self._fundamental_indexes fundamental_indexes = property(_get_fundamental_indexes) def _get_fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing(self): """ Returns a tuple of fundamental state indexes (i.e., tuple of index values of single states) to which this state maps, with gaps being substituted with missing (no-data) states. """ if self._fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing is None: if self.is_gap_state: if self.gap_state_as_no_data_state is not None: self._fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing = tuple(self.gap_state_as_no_data_state.fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing) else: raise ValueError("No data state not specified") else: fstates = [s for s in self.fundamental_states if not s.is_gap_state] self._fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing = tuple([s._index for s in fstates]) return self._fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing = property(_get_fundamental_indexes_with_gaps_as_missing) def _get_symbol_synonyms(self): """ The collection of symbol synonyms (alternatives/equivalents to the canonical symbol) which also map to this state. """ return self._symbol_synonyms # def _set_symbol_synonyms(self, value): # self._symbol_synonyms = value # symbol_synonyms = property(_get_symbol_synonyms, _set_symbol_synonyms) symbol_synonyms = property(_get_symbol_synonyms)
[docs] def is_exact_correspondence(self, other): """ Tries to determine if two StateIdentity definitions are equivalent by matching symbols. """ match = True if self._state_denomination != other._state_denomination: return False if self._state_denomination != StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE and other._state_denomination != StateAlphabet.FUNDAMENTAL_STATE: xf1 = self.fundamental_states xf2 = other.fundamental_states if len(xf1) != len(xf2): match = False else: f1 = set(xf1) f2 = set(xf2) for m1 in f1: member_match = False for m2 in f2: if m1.is_exact_correspondence(m2): member_match = True f2.remove(m2) break if not member_match: match = False break if match: f1 = set(xf1) f2 = set(xf2) for m2 in f2: member_match = False for m1 in f1: if m1.is_exact_correspondence(m2): f1.remove(m1) member_match = True break if not member_match: match = False break return match else: return self._symbol == other._symbol
############################################################################### ## DnaStateAlphabet class DnaStateAlphabet(StateAlphabet): def __init__(self): fundamental_states = "ACGT" polymorphic_states = None ambiguous_states = ( ("N", "ACGT"), ("R", "AG" ), ("Y", "CT" ), ("M", "AC" ), ("W", "AT" ), ("S", "CG" ), ("K", "GT" ), ("V", "ACG" ), ("H", "ACT" ), ("D", "AGT" ), ("B", "CGT" ), ) symbol_synonyms = {"X": "N"} StateAlphabet.__init__(self, fundamental_states=fundamental_states, no_data_symbol="?", gap_symbol="-", polymorphic_states=polymorphic_states, ambiguous_states=ambiguous_states, symbol_synonyms=symbol_synonyms, label="DNA", case_sensitive=False) for state in self.state_iter(): if state.symbol == "-": attr_name = "gap" else: attr_name = state.symbol self.set_state_as_attribute(state, attr_name) self.any_residue = self.N self.unknown_state_symbol = 'N' ############################################################################### ## RnaStateAlphabet class RnaStateAlphabet(StateAlphabet): def __init__(self): fundamental_states = "ACGU" polymorphic_states = None ambiguous_states = ( ("N", "ACGU"), ("R", "AG" ), ("Y", "CU" ), ("M", "AC" ), ("W", "AU" ), ("S", "CG" ), ("K", "GU" ), ("V", "ACG" ), ("H", "ACU" ), ("D", "AGU" ), ("B", "CGU" ), ) symbol_synonyms = {"X": "N"} StateAlphabet.__init__(self, fundamental_states=fundamental_states, no_data_symbol="?", gap_symbol="-", polymorphic_states=polymorphic_states, ambiguous_states=ambiguous_states, symbol_synonyms=symbol_synonyms, label="RNA", case_sensitive=False) for state in self.state_iter(): if state.symbol == "-": attr_name = "gap" else: attr_name = state.symbol self.set_state_as_attribute(state, attr_name) self.any_residue = self.N self.unknown_state_symbol = 'N' ############################################################################### ## NucleotideStateAlphabet class NucleotideStateAlphabet(StateAlphabet): def __init__(self): fundamental_states = "ACGTU" polymorphic_states = None ambiguous_states = ( ("N", "ACGTU"), ("R", "AG" ), ("Y", "CTU" ), ("M", "AC" ), ("W", "ATU" ), ("S", "CG" ), ("K", "GTU" ), ("V", "ACG" ), ("H", "ACTU" ), ("D", "AGTU" ), ("B", "CGTU" ), ) symbol_synonyms = {"X": "N"} StateAlphabet.__init__(self, fundamental_states=fundamental_states, no_data_symbol="?", gap_symbol="-", polymorphic_states=polymorphic_states, ambiguous_states=ambiguous_states, symbol_synonyms=symbol_synonyms, label="Nucleotide", case_sensitive=False) for state in self.state_iter(): if state.symbol == "-": attr_name = "gap" else: attr_name = state.symbol self.set_state_as_attribute(state, attr_name) self.any_residue = self.N self.unknown_state_symbol = 'N' ############################################################################### ## ProteinStateAlphabet class ProteinStateAlphabet(StateAlphabet): def __init__(self): fundamental_states = "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*" polymorphic_states = None ambiguous_states = ( ("B", "DN"), ("Z", "EQ"), ("X", "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*"), ) symbol_synonyms = {} StateAlphabet.__init__(self, fundamental_states=fundamental_states, no_data_symbol="?", gap_symbol="-", polymorphic_states=polymorphic_states, ambiguous_states=ambiguous_states, symbol_synonyms=symbol_synonyms, label="Protein", case_sensitive=False) for state in self.state_iter(): if state.symbol == "-": attr_name = "gap" elif state.symbol == "*": attr_name = "stop" else: attr_name = state.symbol self.set_state_as_attribute(state, attr_name) self.any_residue = self.X self.unknown_state_symbol = 'X' ############################################################################### ## BinaryStateAlphabet class BinaryStateAlphabet(StateAlphabet): def __init__(self, allow_gaps=False, allow_missing=False): fundamental_states = "10" if allow_gaps: gap_symbol = "-" else: gap_symbol = None polymorphic_states = None ambiguous_states = [] if allow_missing: no_data_symbol = "?" else: no_data_symbol = None symbol_synonyms = {} StateAlphabet.__init__(self, fundamental_states=fundamental_states, no_data_symbol=no_data_symbol, gap_symbol=gap_symbol, polymorphic_states=polymorphic_states, ambiguous_states=ambiguous_states, symbol_synonyms=symbol_synonyms, label="Binary", case_sensitive=False) for state in self.state_iter(): if state.symbol == "-": attr_name = "gap" elif state.symbol == "?": attr_name = "missing" elif state.symbol == "*": attr_name = "stop" else: attr_name = state.symbol self.set_state_as_attribute(state, attr_name) ############################################################################### ## RestrictionSitesStateAlphabet class RestrictionSitesStateAlphabet(BinaryStateAlphabet): def __init__(self, allow_gaps=False, allow_missing=False): BinaryStateAlphabet.__init__(self, allow_gaps=allow_gaps, allow_missing=allow_missing) ############################################################################### ## InfiniteSitesStateAlphabet class InfiniteSitesStateAlphabet(BinaryStateAlphabet): def __init__(self, allow_gaps=False, allow_missing=False): BinaryStateAlphabet.__init__(self, allow_gaps=allow_gaps, allow_missing=allow_missing) ############################################################################### ## GLOBAL STATE ALPHABETS DNA_STATE_ALPHABET = DnaStateAlphabet() RNA_STATE_ALPHABET = RnaStateAlphabet() NUCLEOTIDE_STATE_ALPHABET = NucleotideStateAlphabet() BINARY_STATE_ALPHABET = BinaryStateAlphabet() PROTEIN_STATE_ALPHABET = ProteinStateAlphabet() RESTRICTION_SITES_STATE_ALPHABET = RestrictionSitesStateAlphabet() INFINITE_SITES_STATE_ALPHABET = InfiniteSitesStateAlphabet() def new_standard_state_alphabet( fundamental_state_symbols=None, case_sensitive=False): if fundamental_state_symbols is None: fundamental_state_symbols = "0123456789" s = StateAlphabet( fundamental_states=fundamental_state_symbols, no_data_symbol="?", gap_symbol="-", # polymorphic_states=polymorphic_states, # ambiguous_states=ambiguous_states, # symbol_synonyms=symbol_synonyms, label="Standard", case_sensitive=case_sensitive) for state in s.state_iter(): if state.symbol == "-": attr_name = "gap" else: attr_name = state.symbol s.set_state_as_attribute(state, attr_name) return s ############################################################################### ## Convenience Functions def coerce_to_state_identities(state_alphabet, values): coerced_values = [] for v in values: if isinstance(v, StateIdentity): coerced_values.append(v) elif textprocessing.is_str_type(v) or isinstance(v, int): s = state_alphabet[v] coerced_values.append(s) else: raise ValueError(v) return coerced_values