Source code for dendropy.dataio.phylipwriter

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##  DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library.
##  Copyright 2010-2015 Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder.
##  All rights reserved.
##  See "LICENSE.rst" for terms and conditions of usage.
##  If you use this work or any portion thereof in published work,
##  please cite it as:
##     Sukumaran, J. and M. T. Holder. 2010. DendroPy: a Python library
##     for phylogenetic computing. Bioinformatics 26: 1569-1571.

Implementation of PHYLIP-format data writer.

from dendropy.dataio import ioservice
from dendropy.utility import textprocessing


class PhylipWriter(ioservice.DataWriter):
    "Implements the DataWriter interface for writing PHYLIP files."

[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Keyword Arguments ----------------- strict : bool If |True|, use 'strict' format, i.e., taxon labels given in first 10 characters, followed by sequence starting at character 11. Default is |False|: use 'relaxed' format, with arbitrary-length taxon labels separated from sequences by two or more spaces. spaces_to_underscores : bool If |True|, all spaces will be converted to underscores. Default is |False|: spaces will be preserved. taxon_label_fn: function object If specified, then this function will be called everytime taxon label is required. It will be passed a |Taxon| object as an argument and should represent the string or string-like object that should serve as the label. force_unique_taxon_labels : bool If |True|, then taxon labels will be modified to avoid duplicate labels. Default is |False|: taxon labels will not be modified. suppress_missing_taxa : bool If |True|, then taxa with zero characters will not be printed Default is |False|: all taxa will be printed ignore_unrecognized_keyword_arguments : boolean, default: |False| If |True|, then unsupported or unrecognized keyword arguments will not result in an error. Default is |False|: unsupported keyword arguments will result in an error. """ ioservice.DataWriter.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.strict = kwargs.pop("strict", False) self.spaces_to_underscores = kwargs.pop("spaces_to_underscores", False) self.force_unique_taxon_labels = kwargs.pop("force_unique_taxon_labels", False) self.suppress_missing_taxa = kwargs.pop("suppress_missing_taxa", False) self.taxon_label_fn = kwargs.pop("taxon_label_fn", None) if self.taxon_label_fn is None: self.taxon_label_fn = lambda taxon: taxon.label self.check_for_unused_keyword_arguments(kwargs)
def _write(self, stream, taxon_namespaces=None, tree_lists=None, char_matrices=None, global_annotations_target=None): for char_matrix in char_matrices: if (self.attached_taxon_namespace is not None and char_matrix.taxon_namespace is not self.attached_taxon_namespace): continue self._write_char_matrix(stream, char_matrix) def _write_char_matrix(self, stream, char_matrix): "Writes dataset to a full PHYLIP document." if self.strict or self.force_unique_taxon_labels: taxon_label_map = self.get_taxon_label_map(char_matrix.taxon_namespace) if not self.strict: spacer = " " else: spacer = "" else: taxon_label_map = {} for taxon in char_matrix.taxon_namespace: label = self.taxon_label_fn(taxon) if self.spaces_to_underscores: label = label.replace(' ', '_') taxon_label_map[taxon] = label spacer = " " maxlen = max([len(str(label)) for label in taxon_label_map.values()]) n_seqs = len(char_matrix) n_sites = char_matrix.max_sequence_size stream.write("%d %d\n" % (n_seqs, n_sites)) for taxon in char_matrix.taxon_namespace: label = taxon_label_map[taxon] if taxon in char_matrix: seq_vec = char_matrix[taxon].symbols_as_string() else: seq_vec = "" if len(seq_vec) or (not self.suppress_missing_taxa): stream.write("%s%s%s\n" % ( label.ljust(maxlen), spacer, str(seq_vec))) def get_taxon_label_map(self, taxon_namespace): taxon_label_map = {} if self.strict: max_label_len = STRICT_MODE_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH else: max_label_len = 0 for taxon in taxon_namespace: label = self.taxon_label_fn(taxon) if self.spaces_to_underscores: label = label.replace(' ', '_') if self.strict: label = label[:max_label_len] taxon_label_map[taxon] = label taxon_label_map = textprocessing.unique_taxon_label_map(taxon_namespace, taxon_label_map, max_label_len) if self.strict: for t in taxon_label_map: label = taxon_label_map[t] if len(label) < STRICT_MODE_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH: taxon_label_map[t] = label.ljust(STRICT_MODE_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH) return taxon_label_map