Source code for dendropy.dataio.newickreader

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##  DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library.
##  Copyright 2010-2015 Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder.
##  All rights reserved.
##  See "LICENSE.rst" for terms and conditions of usage.
##  If you use this work or any portion thereof in published work,
##  please cite it as:
##     Sukumaran, J. and M. T. Holder. 2010. DendroPy: a Python library
##     for phylogenetic computing. Bioinformatics 26: 1569-1571.

Parsing of NEWICK-format tree from a stream.

from io import StringIO
import itertools as it
from dendropy.utility import error
from dendropy.utility import deprecate
from dendropy.dataio import tokenizer
from dendropy.dataio import nexusprocessing
from dendropy.dataio import ioservice

## NewickReader

class NewickReader(ioservice.DataReader):
    Parser for NEWICK-formatted data.

    _default_rooting_directive = None
    _default_tree_weight = 1.0

    class NewickReaderError(error.DataParseError):
        def __init__(self, message,

    class NewickReaderInvalidTokenError(NewickReaderError):
        def __init__(self,

    class NewickReaderMalformedStatementError(NewickReaderError):
        def __init__(self,

    class NewickReaderIncompleteTreeStatementError(NewickReaderMalformedStatementError):
        def __init__(self,

    class NewickReaderInvalidValueError(NewickReaderError):
        def __init__(self,

    class NewickReaderDuplicateTaxonError(NewickReaderError):
        def __init__(self,
            detailed = ("Multiple occurrences of the same taxa on trees are not"
            " supported: trees with duplicate node labels can only be"
            " processed if the labels are not parsed as operational taxonomic"
            " unit concepts but instead as simply node labels by specifying"
            " 'suppress_internal_node_taxa=True, suppress_leaf_node_taxa=True'."
            " Duplicate taxon labels: {}").format(message)

[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Keyword Arguments ----------------- rooting : string, {['default-unrooted'], 'default-rooted', 'force-unrooted', 'force-rooted'} Specifies how trees in the data source should be intepreted with respect to their rooting: 'default-unrooted' [default]: All trees are interpreted as unrooted unless a '[&R]' comment token explicitly specifies them as rooted. 'default-rooted' All trees are interpreted as rooted unless a '[&U]' comment token explicitly specifies them as unrooted. 'force-unrooted' All trees are unconditionally interpreted as unrooted. 'force-rooted' All trees are unconditionally interpreted as rooted. edge_length_type : type, default: ``float`` Specifies the type of the edge lengths (``int`` or ``float``). Tokens interpreted as branch lengths will be cast to this type. Defaults to ``float``. suppress_edge_lengths : boolean, default: |False| If |True|, edge length values will not be processed. If |False|, edge length values will be processed. extract_comment_metadata : boolean, default: |True| If |True| (default), any comments that begin with '&' or '&&' will be parsed and stored as part of the annotation set of the corresponding object (accessible through the ``annotations`` attribute of the object). This requires that the comment contents conform to a particular format (NHX or BEAST: 'field = value'). If |False|, then the comments will not be parsed, but will be instead stored directly as elements of the ``comments`` list attribute of the associated object. store_tree_weights : boolean, default: |False| If |True|, process the tree weight (e.g. "[&W 1/2]") comment associated with each tree, if any. Defaults to |False|. finish_node_fn : function object, default: |None| If specified, this function will be applied to each node after it has been constructed. case_sensitive_taxon_labels : boolean, default: |False| If |True|, then taxon labels are case sensitive (e.g., "P.regius" and "P.REGIUS" wil be treated as different operation taxonomic unit concepts). Otherwise, taxon label intepretation will be made without regard for case. preserve_underscores : boolean, default: |False| If |True|, unquoted underscores in labels will *not* converted to spaces. Defaults to |False|: all underscores not protected by quotes will be converted to spaces. suppress_internal_node_taxa : boolean, default: |True| If |False|, internal node labels will be instantantiated into |Taxon| objects. If |True|, internal node labels will *not* be instantantiated as strings. suppress_leaf_node_taxa : boolean, default: |False| If |False|, leaf (external) node labels will be instantantiated into |Taxon| objects. If |True|, leaf (external) node labels will *not* be instantantiated as strings. is_parse_jplace_tokens : boolean: |False| If |True|, then accept edge numbering according to the jplace format, as described in Matsen et. al. PLoS One, 2012 An instance variable edge_index is added to the returned tree, and an edge_number is added to each edge. If False [default], encountering edge labels raises a NewickReaderMalformedStatementError. is_assign_internal_labels_to_edges : boolean, default: |None| If |True|, internal node labels will be assigned as edge labels. terminating_semicolon_required : boolean, default: |True| If |True| [default], then a tree statement that does not end in a semi-colon is an error. If |False|, then no error will be raised. ignore_unrecognized_keyword_arguments : boolean, default: |False| If |True|, then unsupported or unrecognized keyword arguments will not result in an error. Default is |False|: unsupported keyword arguments will result in an error. """ # base ioservice.DataReader.__init__(self) self._rooting = None ## (TEMPORARY and UGLY!!!!) Special handling for legacy signature if "as_unrooted" in kwargs or "as_rooted" in kwargs or "default_as_rooted" in kwargs or "default_as_unrooted" in kwargs: import collections legacy_kw = ("as_unrooted", "as_rooted", "default_as_rooted", "default_as_unrooted") legacy_kw_str = ", ".join("'{}'".format(k) for k in legacy_kw) if "rooting" in kwargs: raise ValueError("Cannot specify 'rooting' keyword argument in conjunction with any of the (legacy) keyword arguments ({}). Use 'rooting' alone.".format(legacy_kw_str)) specs = collections.Counter(k for k in kwargs.keys() if k in legacy_kw) if sum(specs.values()) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot specify more than one of {{ {} }} at the same time".format(legacy_kw_str)) kw = list(specs.keys())[0] if kw == "as_unrooted": if kwargs[kw]: corrected = "force-unrooted" else: corrected = "force-rooted" elif kw == "as_rooted": if kwargs[kw]: corrected = "force-rooted" else: corrected = "force-unrooted" elif kw == "default_as_unrooted": if kwargs[kw]: corrected = "default-unrooted" else: corrected = "default-rooted" elif kw == "default_as_rooted": if kwargs[kw]: corrected = "default-rooted" else: corrected = "default-unrooted" deprecate.dendropy_deprecation_warning( preamble="Deprecated since DendroPy 4:", old_construct="{}={}".format(kw, kwargs[kw]), new_construct="rooting='{}'".format(corrected), stacklevel=7) kwargs.pop(kw) kwargs["rooting"] = corrected if "allow_duplicate_taxon_labels" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "'allow_duplicate_taxon_labels' is no longer" " supported: trees with duplicate node labels can only be" " processed if the labels are not parsed as operational taxonomic" " unit concepts but instead as simply node labels by specifying" " 'suppress_internal_node_taxa=True, suppress_leaf_node_taxa=True'." ) # self.rooting = kwargs.pop("rooting", "default-unrooted") self.rooting = kwargs.pop("rooting", self.__class__._default_rooting_directive) self.edge_length_type = kwargs.pop("edge_length_type", float) self.suppress_edge_lengths = kwargs.pop("suppress_edge_lengths", False) self.extract_comment_metadata = kwargs.pop('extract_comment_metadata', True) self.store_tree_weights = kwargs.pop("store_tree_weights", False) self.default_tree_weight = kwargs.pop("default_tree_weight", self.__class__._default_tree_weight) self.finish_node_fn = kwargs.pop("finish_node_fn", None) self.case_sensitive_taxon_labels = kwargs.pop('case_sensitive_taxon_labels', False) self.preserve_unquoted_underscores = kwargs.pop('preserve_underscores', False) self.suppress_internal_node_taxa = kwargs.pop("suppress_internal_node_taxa", True) self.suppress_leaf_node_taxa = kwargs.pop("suppress_external_node_taxa", False) # legacy (will be deprecated) self.suppress_leaf_node_taxa = kwargs.pop("suppress_leaf_node_taxa", self.suppress_leaf_node_taxa) self.is_parse_jplace_tokens = kwargs.pop("is_parse_jplace_tokens", False) self.is_assign_internal_labels_to_edges = kwargs.pop("is_assign_internal_labels_to_edges", None) if self.is_assign_internal_labels_to_edges and not self.suppress_internal_node_taxa: raise ValueError("Conflicting options: cannot simultaneously assign internal labels to edges and to internal taxa") self.terminating_semicolon_required = kwargs.pop("terminating_semicolon_required", True) self.check_for_unused_keyword_arguments(kwargs) # per-tree book-keeping self._tree_statement_complete = None self._parenthesis_nesting_level = None self._seen_taxa = None
def tree_iter(self, stream, taxon_symbol_mapper, tree_factory): """ Iterator that yields trees in NEWICK-formatted source. Parameters ---------- stream : file or file-like object A file or file-like object opened for reading. taxon_namespace : |TaxonNamespace| Operational taxonomic unit namespace to use for taxon management. tree_factory : function object A function that returns a new |Tree| object when called without arguments. Returns ------- iter : :py`collections.Iterator` [|Tree|] An iterator yielding |Tree| objects constructed based on data in ``stream``. """ nexus_tokenizer = nexusprocessing.NexusTokenizer(stream, preserve_unquoted_underscores=self.preserve_unquoted_underscores) while True: tree = self._parse_tree_statement( nexus_tokenizer=nexus_tokenizer, tree_factory=tree_factory, taxon_symbol_map_fn=taxon_symbol_mapper.require_taxon_for_symbol) yield tree if tree is None: # raise StopIteration return def _read(self, stream, taxon_namespace_factory=None, tree_list_factory=None, char_matrix_factory=None, state_alphabet_factory=None, global_annotations_target=None): taxon_namespace = taxon_namespace_factory(label=None) tree_list = tree_list_factory(label=None, taxon_namespace=taxon_namespace) taxon_symbol_mapper = nexusprocessing.NexusTaxonSymbolMapper( taxon_namespace=taxon_namespace, enable_lookup_by_taxon_number=False, case_sensitive=self.case_sensitive_taxon_labels) tree_factory = tree_list.new_tree for tree in self.tree_iter(stream=stream, taxon_symbol_mapper=taxon_symbol_mapper, tree_factory=tree_factory): pass product = self.Product( taxon_namespaces=None, tree_lists=[tree_list], char_matrices=None) return product def _get_rooting(self): """ Get rooting interpretation configuration. """ return self._rooting def _set_rooting(self, val): """ Set rooting interpretation configuration. """ if val not in ("force-unrooted", "force-rooted", "default-unrooted", "default-rooted", None,): raise ValueError("Unrecognized rooting directive: '{}'".format(val)) self._rooting = val rooting = property(_get_rooting, _set_rooting) def _parse_tree_statement(self, nexus_tokenizer, tree_factory, taxon_symbol_map_fn): """ Parses a single tree statement from a token stream and constructs a corresponding Tree object. Expects that the first non-comment and non-semi-colon token to be found, including the current token, to be the parenthesis that opens the tree statement. When complete, the current token will be the token immediately following the semi-colon, if any. """ current_token = nexus_tokenizer.current_token tree_comments = nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments() while (current_token == ";" or current_token is None) and not nexus_tokenizer.is_eof(): current_token = nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() tree_comments = nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments() if nexus_tokenizer.is_eof(): return None if current_token != "(": # allow for possibility of single node tree, e.g.: T0:10; self._parenthesis_nesting_level = 0 # raise NewickReader.NewickReaderInvalidTokenError( # message="Expecting '{}' but found '{}'".format("(", current_token), # line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, # col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, # stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) else: self._parenthesis_nesting_level = 1 tree = tree_factory() self._process_tree_comments(tree, tree_comments, nexus_tokenizer) self._tree_statement_complete = False self._seen_taxa = set() self._parse_tree_node_description( nexus_tokenizer=nexus_tokenizer, tree=tree, current_node=tree.seed_node, taxon_symbol_map_fn=taxon_symbol_map_fn, is_internal_node=None) current_token = nexus_tokenizer.current_token if not self._tree_statement_complete: raise NewickReader.NewickReaderIncompleteTreeStatementError( message="Incomplete or improperly-terminated tree statement (last character read was '{}' instead of a semi-colon ';')".format(nexus_tokenizer.current_token), line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) self._seen_taxa = None self._parenthesis_nesting_level = None self._tree_statement_complete = None while current_token == ";" and not nexus_tokenizer.is_eof(): nexus_tokenizer.clear_captured_comments() current_token = nexus_tokenizer.next_token() return tree def _process_tree_comments(self, tree, tree_comments, nexus_tokenizer): # NOTE: this also unconditionally sets the tree rootedness and # weighting if no comment indicating these are found; for this to work # in the current implementation, this method must be called once and # exactly once per tree. if not tree_comments: tree.is_rooted = self._parse_tree_rooting_state("") if self.store_tree_weights: tree.weight = self.default_tree_weight return rooting_token_found = False weighting_token_found = False for comment in tree_comments: stripped_comment = comment.strip() if stripped_comment in ["&u", "&U", "&r", "&R"]: tree.is_rooted = self._parse_tree_rooting_state(stripped_comment) rooting_token_found = True elif (self.store_tree_weights and (stripped_comment.startswith("&W ") or stripped_comment.startswith("&w ")) ): try: weight_expression = stripped_comment[2:] if not weight_expression: raise ValueError we_parts = weight_expression.split("/") if len(we_parts) > 2: raise ValueError # raise NewickReader.NewickReaderInvalidValueError( # message="Invalid tree weight expression: '{}'".format(weight_expression), # line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, # col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, # stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) elif len(we_parts) == 2: x = float(we_parts[0]) y = float(we_parts[1]) tree.weight = x/y else: tree.weight = float(we_parts[0]) weighting_token_found = True except ValueError: exc = NewickReader.NewickReaderInvalidValueError( message="Invalid tree weight expression: '{}'".format(stripped_comment), line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) exc.__context__ = None # Python 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 exc.__cause__ = None # Python 3.3, 3.4 raise exc elif self.extract_comment_metadata and comment.startswith("&"): annotations = nexusprocessing.parse_comment_metadata_to_annotations( comment=comment) if annotations: tree.annotations.update(annotations) else: tree.comments.append(comment) else: tree.comments.append(comment) if not rooting_token_found: tree.is_rooted = self._parse_tree_rooting_state("") if self.store_tree_weights and not weighting_token_found: tree.weight = self.default_tree_weight def _parse_tree_rooting_state(self, rooting_comment=None): """ Returns rooting state for tree with given rooting comment token, taking into account ``rooting`` configuration. """ if self._rooting == "force-unrooted": return False elif self._rooting == "force-rooted": return True elif rooting_comment == "&R" or rooting_comment == "&r": return True elif rooting_comment == "&U" or rooting_comment == "&u": return False elif self._rooting == "default-rooted": return True elif self._rooting == "default-unrooted": return False elif self._rooting is None: return None else: raise TypeError("Unrecognized rooting directive: '{}'".format(self._rooting)) def _parse_tree_node_description( self, nexus_tokenizer, tree, current_node, taxon_symbol_map_fn, is_internal_node=None): """ Assuming that the iterator is currently sitting on a parenthesis that opens a node with children or the label of a leaf node, this will populate the node ``node`` appropriately (label, edge length, comments, metadata etc.) and recursively parse and add the node's children. When complete, the token will be the token immediately following the end of the node or tree statement if this is the root node, i.e. the token *following* the closing parenthesis of the node or the semi-colon terminating a tree statement. """ current_node_comments = nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments() if nexus_tokenizer.current_token == "(": # self._parenthesis_nesting_level += 1 # handled by calling code nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() node_created = False for count in it.count(): if nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ",": if not node_created: #184 # no node has been created yet: ',' designates a # preceding blank node new_node = tree.node_factory() nexusprocessing.process_comments_for_item(item=new_node, item_comments=nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments(), extract_comment_metadata=self.extract_comment_metadata) self._finish_node(new_node) current_node.add_child(new_node) ## node_created = True # do not flag node as created to allow for an extra node to be created in the event of (..,) nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() while nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ",": #192 # another blank node new_node = tree.node_factory() nexusprocessing.process_comments_for_item(item=new_node, item_comments=nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments(), extract_comment_metadata=self.extract_comment_metadata) self._finish_node(new_node) current_node.add_child(new_node) # node_created = True; # do not flag node as created: extra node needed in the event of (..,) nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() if not node_created and nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ")": #200 # end of node new_node = tree.node_factory(); nexusprocessing.process_comments_for_item(item=new_node, item_comments=nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments(), extract_comment_metadata=self.extract_comment_metadata) self._finish_node(new_node) current_node.add_child(new_node) node_created = True; elif nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ")": #206 if count == 0: # handle terminating unnamed unifurcation # see new_node = tree.node_factory() is_new_internal_node = False self._finish_node(new_node) current_node.add_child(new_node) # end of child nodes self._parenthesis_nesting_level -= 1 nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() break else: #210 # assume child nodes: a leaf node (if a label) or # internal (if a parenthesis) if nexus_tokenizer.current_token == "(": self._parenthesis_nesting_level += 1 is_new_internal_node = True else: is_new_internal_node = False new_node = tree.node_factory(); nexusprocessing.process_comments_for_item(item=new_node, item_comments=nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments(), extract_comment_metadata=self.extract_comment_metadata) self._parse_tree_node_description( nexus_tokenizer=nexus_tokenizer, tree=tree, current_node=new_node, taxon_symbol_map_fn=taxon_symbol_map_fn, is_internal_node=is_new_internal_node, ) current_node.add_child(new_node); node_created = True; label_parsed = False self._tree_statement_complete = False if is_internal_node is None: # Initial call using ``seed_node`` does not set ``is_internal_node`` to # |True| or |False|, explicitly, but rather |None|. If this is the # case, the rest of the tree has be constructed, and we simply look # at whether there are children or not to determine if it is an # internal node. This approach allows for a single-tip tree. if current_node._child_nodes: is_internal_node = True if current_node_comments is None: current_node_comments = [] while True: cc = nexus_tokenizer.pull_captured_comments() if cc is not None: current_node_comments.extend(cc) if nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ":": #246 nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() if not self.suppress_edge_lengths: try: edge_length = self.edge_length_type(nexus_tokenizer.current_token) except ValueError: raise NewickReader.NewickReaderMalformedStatementError( message="Invalid edge length: '{}'".format(nexus_tokenizer.current_token), line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) current_node.edge.length = edge_length try: nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() except tokenizer.Tokenizer.UnexpectedEndOfStreamError as e: if self.terminating_semicolon_required: message = e.message + ". (Perhaps the terminating semicolon for the tree statement is missing? If so, add a semicolon to the tree statement or specify 'terminating_semicolon_required=False' to allow for missing semicolons)" raise tokenizer.Tokenizer.UnexpectedEndOfStreamError( message=message, line_num=e.line_num, col_num=e.col_num, else: self._tree_statement_complete = True break elif nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ")": #253 # closing of parent token # self._parenthesis_nesting_level -= 1 # handled by calling code nexusprocessing.process_comments_for_item(item=current_node, item_comments=current_node_comments, extract_comment_metadata=self.extract_comment_metadata) self._finish_node(current_node) return current_node elif nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ";": #256 # end of tree statement self._tree_statement_complete = True nexus_tokenizer.next_token() break elif nexus_tokenizer.current_token == ",": #260 # end of this node nexusprocessing.process_comments_for_item(item=current_node, item_comments=current_node_comments, extract_comment_metadata=self.extract_comment_metadata) self._finish_node(current_node) return current_node elif nexus_tokenizer.current_token == "(": #263 # start of another node or tree without finishing this # node self._parenthesis_nesting_level += 1 raise NewickReader.NewickReaderMalformedStatementError( message="Malformed tree statement", line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) elif self.is_parse_jplace_tokens and nexus_tokenizer.current_token == '{': # Edge number from .jplace format nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() edge_number = int(nexus_tokenizer.current_token) edge = current_node.edge edge.edge_number = edge_number try: tree.edge_index.insert(edge_number, edge) except AttributeError: tree.edge_index = [] tree.edge_index.insert(edge_number, edge) nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() # for closing '}' nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() else: #267 # label if label_parsed: #269 msg = "Expecting ':'" if self.is_parse_jplace_tokens: msg += ", '{'" msg += ", ')', ',' or ';' after reading label but found '{}'".format(nexus_tokenizer.current_token) raise NewickReader.NewickReaderMalformedStatementError( message=msg, line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) else: # Label label = nexus_tokenizer.current_token if ( (is_internal_node and self.suppress_internal_node_taxa) or ((not is_internal_node) and self.suppress_leaf_node_taxa) ): if self.is_assign_internal_labels_to_edges: current_node.edge.label = label else: current_node.label = label else: node_taxon = taxon_symbol_map_fn(label) if node_taxon in self._seen_taxa: raise NewickReader.NewickReaderDuplicateTaxonError( message=node_taxon.label, line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) self._seen_taxa.add(node_taxon) current_node.taxon = node_taxon label_parsed = True; # nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() try: nexus_tokenizer.require_next_token() except tokenizer.Tokenizer.UnexpectedEndOfStreamError: if self.terminating_semicolon_required: raise else: break ## if we are here, we have reached the end of the tree if self._parenthesis_nesting_level != 0: raise NewickReader.NewickReaderMalformedStatementError( message="Unbalanced parentheses at tree statement termination: balance index = {}".format(self._parenthesis_nesting_level), line_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_line_num, col_num=nexus_tokenizer.token_column_num, stream=nexus_tokenizer.src) nexusprocessing.process_comments_for_item(item=current_node, item_comments=current_node_comments, extract_comment_metadata=self.extract_comment_metadata) self._finish_node(current_node) return current_node def _finish_node(self, node): if self.finish_node_fn is not None: self.finish_node_fn(node)