Phylogenetic Distance-Based Operations

The PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix class is a comprehensive class for tracking taxon-to-taxon distances and operations associated with these values.

Creating a PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix Object

There are basically two ways to create a PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix instance:

  1. Create it from an existing tree based on the patristic distances on the tree

  2. Create it from an external data source specifying the distances between taxa.

Creating a PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix Object From a Tree

If you have an existing Tree instance, e.g. tree, the phylogenetic_distance_matrix method returns a “snapshot” of the tip taxon-to-taxon distances given on the tree:

import dendropy

tree = dendropy.Tree.get(
pdc = tree.phylogenetic_distance_matrix()
for i, t1 in enumerate(tree.taxon_namespace[:-1]):
    for t2 in tree.taxon_namespace[i+1:]:
        print("Distance between '%s' and '%s': %s" % (t1.label, t2.label, pdc(t1, t2)))

The new PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix object will reference the same TaxonNamespace and member Taxon objects as the tree, tree.

Creating a PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix Object From an External Data Source

The from_csv method reads a token-delimited external data source specifying taxon-to-taxon distances and creates and returns a corresponding PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix. This data source is expected to provide a table where each row is a separate line and each column is separated from the preceding by a token (typically a comma or a tab character). The cells of the table are numeric (typically real) values that indicate the distance between the taxa of the current row and column. Note that only the upper right section of the table is considered. The diagonals values are typically zeroes and, in either case, ignored along with the lower diagonal. Despite being ignored by the PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix object, the values are parsed by the underlying reader and thus have to be valid numerical values.

For example, the data from Table 1 of Saitou and Nei (1987) can be represented by the following comma-separated value (CSV) file:


(Note the empty cell of the first column of the first row).

This file can be instantiated into a PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix by the following, which specifies the keyword argument delimiter="," for correct parsing:

import dendropy
pdm1 = dendropy.PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix.from_csv(

If tabs were used as a delimiter instead, then delimiter="\t" would be specified:

import dendropy
pdm1 = dendropy.PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix.from_csv(

In the above examples, the taxon namespace into which the data was read was a new one, created by default. In many cases, e.g. if you want to compare the data to data from other sources, you will want to ensure that the TaxonNamespace is shared. You do this by passing in a TaxonNamespace instance using the taxon_namespace argument:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import warnings
import dendropy

    "This example is known to be broken! "
    "It will be fixed or removed in the future. "
    "See for details. "
    "Patch contributions are welcome.",

tns = dendropy.TaxonNamespace()
mle_tree = dendropy.Tree.get(
pdm = dendropy.PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix.from_csv(

Note that if you do pass in a non-empty TaxonNamespace value using the taxon_namespace argument, by default the reading process protects any new Taxon objects from being created in this taxon namespace. This is to protect the integrity of the taxon namespace from errors due to inadverent label mismatches (see note below). You can specify is_allow_new_taxa=True to relax this restriction.


It is important that the taxon labels specified in the data source match the taxon labels of the Taxon objects with which you want to associate the data exactly. This includes taking into account format-based transformations. For example, by default, unless preserve_underscores=True is specified, when reading Newick and NEXUS format data underscores not protected by quotes will be translated into spaces. If the taxon labels in the distance file have underscores in them, however, by default these will not be translated into spaces. Thus the taxon “Python_regius” in a Newick/NEXUS tree file or a NEXUS character data file will be represented by “Python regius” internally, and this will not match the taxon label “Python_regius” given in the distance table. The solution is to ensure that the distance table file has spaces in place of underscores or use preserve_underscores=True when reading Newick/NEXUS data. For the former, in many cases you might be able to pass in a function to transform or translate the distance data table labels using the label_transform_fn argument of the from_csv method. E.g.:

label_transform_fn = lambda x: x.replace("_", " ")
pdm = dendropy.PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix.from_csv(

Calculating Patristic Distances and Most-Recent Common Ancestors (MRCA)

import dendropy

tree = dendropy.Tree.get(
pdm = tree.phylogenetic_distance_matrix()
for idx1, taxon1 in enumerate(tree.taxon_namespace):
    for taxon2 in tree.taxon_namespace:
        mrca = pdm.mrca(taxon1, taxon2)
        weighted_patristic_distance = pdm.patristic_distance(taxon1, taxon2)
        unweighted_patristic_distance = pdm.path_edge_count(taxon1, taxon2)
        print("'{}' vs '{}': {} (distance (weighted-edges, unweighted-edges) = {}, {})".format(


“Weighted” distances (or “weighted edge” distances) refers to distances taking the edge weights or branch lengths into account. “Unweighted” distances (or “unweighted edge”) distances refers to distances considering only the total number of edges connecting two taxa, rather than the total branch length.

Generating Distance Trees from a PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix Object

Neighbor-Joining Trees

The nj_tree method returns a Tree representing the neighbor-joining tree calculated on the distances in the matrix:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import dendropy

pdm = dendropy.PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix.from_csv(
nj_tree = pdm.nj_tree()


The upgma_tree method returns a Tree representing the UPGMA tree calculated on the distances in the matrix:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import dendropy

pdm = dendropy.PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix.from_csv(
upgma_tree = pdm.upgma_tree()

Phylogenetic Community Statistics

Basic Phylogenetic Community Statistics

Various phylogenetic community statistics can be calculated for one or more definitions of “community”.

  • The Mean Pairwise Distance (MPD) is returned by the mean_pairwise_distance method, which calculates:

    \[mpd = \frac{ \sum_{i}^{n} \sum_{j}^{n} \delta_{i,j} }{n \choose 2},\]

    where \(i \neq j\), \(\delta_{i,j}\) is the phylogenetic distance between species \(i\) and \(j\), and \(n\) is the number of species in the sample.

  • The Mean Nearest Taxon Distance (MNTD) is returned by the mean_nearest_taxon_distance method, which calculates:

    \[mntd = \frac{ \sum_{i}^{n} min(\delta_{i,j}) }{n},\]

    where \(i \neq j\), \(\delta_{i,j}\) is the phylogenetic distance between species \(i\) and \(j\), and \(n\) is the number of species in the sample.

Each of these methods takes a function object as a filter_fn argument. This function object serves to filter the taxa of the tree, reducing it to so that the tips are restricted to the community or assemblage of interest. If not specified, then all leaves are considered in the calculation. If specified, the function object should take a Taxon object as its only argument and return True if the Taxon is considered part of the assembalge or community or False if not. For example, to calculate the MPD of the entire tree and then of some (highly artificial) communities:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import dendropy

tree = dendropy.Tree.get(
pdm = tree.phylogenetic_distance_matrix()

# MPD of entire tree

# MNTD of entire tree

# Statistics of a "community" consisting of first
# 8 taxa
community_taxa = set(tree.taxon_namespace[:8])
filter_fn = lambda taxon : taxon in community_taxa

# Statistics of a "community" consisting of
# species not in the Python genus
filter_fn = lambda taxon : not taxon.label.startswith("Python")

A more realistic example is where a tree is sampled across multiple communities, with the data read from a tab-delimited source:

# /usr/bin/env python

from io import StringIO
import dendropy
from dendropy.utility import container

phylogeny_str = """\

assemblage_data_table_str = """\

# read the tree
tree = dendropy.Tree.get(

# obtain the PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix corresponding to the taxon-to-taxon
# distances of the above tree
pdm = tree.phylogenetic_distance_matrix()

# read the assemblage data into a table,
# being sure to specify an appropriate data type!
assemblage_data = container.DataTable.from_csv(

# print the communities
print("Assemblage Memberships:")
for row_name in assemblage_data.row_name_iter():
    members = [col_name for col_name in assemblage_data.column_name_iter() if assemblage_data[row_name, col_name] > 0]
    print("{}: {}".format(row_name, members))

# calculate the statistics for each community:
print("Phylogenetic Community Statistics:")
for row_name in assemblage_data.row_name_iter():
    members = [col_name for col_name in assemblage_data.column_name_iter() if assemblage_data[row_name, col_name] > 0]
    filter_fn = lambda taxon: taxon.label in set(members)
    mpd = pdm.mean_pairwise_distance(filter_fn=filter_fn)
    mntd = pdm.mean_nearest_taxon_distance(filter_fn=filter_fn)
    print("{}: MPD={}, MNTD={}".format(row_name, mpd, mntd))

which results in:

Assemblage Memberships:
C1: ['spA', 'spC', 'spE', 'spG', 'spM', 'spN', 'spO']
C2: ['spB', 'spD', 'spE', 'spG', 'spJ', 'spK']
C3: ['spA', 'spC', 'spF', 'spG', 'spH', 'spN']
C4: ['spH', 'spI', 'spJ', 'spK', 'spL', 'spM']
C5: ['spH', 'spI', 'spJ']
Phylogenetic Community Statistics:
C1: MPD=3.19428571429, MNTD=1.61142857143
C2: MPD=1.88666666667, MNTD=1.06666666667
C3: MPD=1.88666666667, MNTD=1.06166666667
C4: MPD=1.91066666667, MNTD=0.108333333333
C5: MPD=0.18, MNTD=0.13

Standardized Effect Size Statistics

The Standardized Effect Size (S.E.S.) of these statistics are useful to remove any bias associated with the decrease in variance as species richness increases to the point where assemblages are saturated. The S.E.S. is calculated under a null model, given here by random shuffling of the tip labels of the tree. The statistic is calculated for each randomization of the tip labels, and the mean and standard deviation of the collection of values across multiple randomization replicates is used to calculate the S.E.S For a particular statistic, the S.E.S. is obtained by dividing the difference between the value of the statistic as given by the original data and the mean of the statistic across the replicates generated under the null model, divided by the standard deviation of the statistic across the replicates generated under the null model:

\[SES(statistic) = \frac{observed - mean(model_{null})}{sd(model_{null})}\]

The S.E.S. of the MPD is calculated by the standardized_effect_size_mean_pairwise_distance method, while the S.E.S of the MNTD is calculated by the standardized_effect_size_mean_nearest_taxon_distance method.

Instead of a filter function, as with the basic statistics above, these methods take an assemblage_memberships argument, the value of which should be an iterable of iterable of Taxon objects. For e.g., a list of sets of Taxon objects, where each set in the list specifies the membership of a single assemblage. The return value of these methods is a list of namedtuple objects, with each element in the list the result of associated with community/assemblage definition in the corresponding position of the input assemblage_memberships list. The result namedtuple objects have the following fields:


the observed value of the statistic


the mean value of the statistic under the null model


the standard deviation of the statistic under the null model


the standardized effect (S.E.S.) value of the statistic


the p-value of the observed value of the statistic

As an example:

# /usr/bin/env python

from io import StringIO
import dendropy
from dendropy.utility import container

phylogeny_str = """\

assemblage_data_table_str = """\

# read the tree
tree = dendropy.Tree.get(

# obtain the PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix corresponding to the taxon-to-taxon
# distances of the above tree
pdm = tree.phylogenetic_distance_matrix()

# read the assemblage data into a table,
# being sure to specify an appropriate data type!
assemblage_data = container.DataTable.from_csv(

# generate the assemblage definitions
assemblage_names = []
assemblage_memberships = []
for row_name in assemblage_data.row_name_iter():
    member_labels = set([col_name for col_name in assemblage_data.column_name_iter() if assemblage_data[row_name, col_name] > 0])
    member_taxa = set([t for t in pdm.taxon_namespace if t.label in member_labels])

# calculate the SES statistics for each assemblage
results_mpd = pdm.standardized_effect_size_mean_pairwise_distance(

# inspect the results
print("Phylogenetic Community Standardized Effect Size Statistics:")
assert len(results_mpd) == len(assemblage_memberships)
assert len(results_mpd) == len(assemblage_names)
for assemblage_name, assemblage_membership, result in zip(assemblage_names, assemblage_memberships, results_mpd, ):
    print("# Assemblage '{}' ({})".format(
        sorted([t.label for t in assemblage_membership])))
    print("   -     MPD: {}".format(result.obs))
    print("   - SES MPD: {}".format(result.z))
    print("   - p-value: {}".format(result.p))

which results in:

Phylogenetic Community Standardized Effect Size Statistics:
# Assemblage 'C1' (['spA', 'spC', 'spE', 'spG', 'spM', 'spN', 'spO'])
-     MPD: 3.19428571429
- SES MPD: 1.42344634503
- p-value: 0.982
# Assemblage 'C2' (['spB', 'spD', 'spE', 'spG', 'spJ', 'spK'])
-     MPD: 1.88666666667
- SES MPD: -0.917064662164
- p-value: 0.21
# Assemblage 'C3' (['spA', 'spC', 'spF', 'spG', 'spH', 'spN'])
-     MPD: 1.88666666667
- SES MPD: -0.769722690565
- p-value: 0.24
# Assemblage 'C4' (['spH', 'spI', 'spJ', 'spK', 'spL', 'spM'])
-     MPD: 1.91066666667
- SES MPD: -0.87070720087
- p-value: 0.229
# Assemblage 'C5' (['spH', 'spI', 'spJ'])
-     MPD: 0.18
- SES MPD: -1.99810309955
- p-value: 0.0

If you are unhappy with the extra book-keeping involved with co-ordinating all these different lists (assemblage_memberships, assemblage_names, etc.), you can associate at least some of these lists in an OrderedDict object:

# /usr/bin/env python

import collections
from io import StringIO
import dendropy
from dendropy.utility import container

phylogeny_str = """\

assemblage_data_table_str = """\

# read the tree
tree = dendropy.Tree.get(

# obtain the PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix corresponding to the taxon-to-taxon
# distances of the above tree
pdm = tree.phylogenetic_distance_matrix()

# read the assemblage data into a table,
# being sure to specify an appropriate data type!
assemblage_data = container.DataTable.from_csv(

# generate the assemblage definitions
assemblage_membership_definitions = collections.OrderedDict()
for row_name in assemblage_data.row_name_iter():
    member_labels = set([col_name for col_name in assemblage_data.column_name_iter() if assemblage_data[row_name, col_name] > 0])
    member_taxa = set([t for t in pdm.taxon_namespace if t.label in member_labels])
    assemblage_membership_definitions[row_name] = member_taxa

# calculate the SES statistics for each assemblage
results_mpd = pdm.standardized_effect_size_mean_pairwise_distance(

# inspect the results
print("Phylogenetic Community Standardized Effect Size Statistics:")
assert len(results_mpd) == len(assemblage_membership_definitions)
for assemblage_name, result in zip(assemblage_membership_definitions, results_mpd, ):
    print("# Assemblage '{}' ({})".format(
        sorted([t.label for t in assemblage_membership_definitions[assemblage_name]])))
    print("   -     MPD: {}".format(result.obs))
    print("   - SES MPD: {}".format(result.z))
    print("   - p-value: {}".format(result.p))

A convenience method is available to read community data from a delimited source, assemblage_membership_definitions_from_csv, which makes the process somewhat easier:

# /usr/bin/env python

from io import StringIO
import dendropy

phylogeny_str = """\

assemblage_data_table_str = """\

# read the tree
tree = dendropy.Tree.get(

# obtain the PhylogeneticDistanceMatrix corresponding to the taxon-to-taxon
# distances of the above tree
pdm = tree.phylogenetic_distance_matrix()

## read the assemblage memberships
assemblage_membership_definitions = pdm.assemblage_membership_definitions_from_csv(

## calculate the results
results = pdm.standardized_effect_size_mean_pairwise_distance(assemblage_memberships=assemblage_membership_definitions.values())
assert len(results) == len(assemblage_membership_definitions)
for assemblage_name, result in zip(assemblage_membership_definitions, results):
    print("# Assemblage '{}' ({})".format(
        sorted([t.label for t in assemblage_membership_definitions[assemblage_name]])))
    print("   -     MPD: {}".format(result.obs))
    print("   - SES MPD: {}".format(result.z))
    print("   - p-value: {}".format(result.p))