Jeet Sukumaran
March 20, 2016
Contents 1
1 Introduction 3
2 Installation 4
2.1 Mandatory Pre-requisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Optional Pre-requisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Installation from Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Usage 6
3.1 Overview of Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Simulation of Training Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3 Calculation of Summary Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.4 Classification of Target Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.5 Profiling the Target Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.6 Encoding the Target Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.7 Encoding the Target Data Using the
Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4 Walk-Through of a Basic Analysis 18
4.1 Analytical Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 The Target Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3 Simulating the Training Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Calculation of Summary Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.5 Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1 Introduction
Archipelago is the name of a generative phylogeny-based model that simulta-
neously incorporates the diversification processes of speciation and extinction
nad the biogeographical processes of area gain (“dispersal”) and area loss (“ex-
tirpation”), with these processes being differentially regulated by ecological or
other traits that are themselves co-evolving on the phylogeny. The theory and
background to this model and its usage is described in the following paper:
This software project, archipelago, presents a suite of programs to gen-
erate and analyze data under the Archipelago model. The primary objec-
tive of the analysis is model selection: i.e., statistically identifying the model
that generated a particular set of data. The suite of programs constituting
archipelago is, thus, a computational biogeographical model selection analy-
sis package that exploits the power and flexibility of the Archipelago model to
allow you to ask and answer historical biogeographical questions of a nature
and complexity that are not possible under any other approach. In partic-
ular, instead of asking questions about ancestral area patterns, you can ask
questions about processes, and how some processes (e.g., ecology) affect other
processes (e.g., dispersal or speciation).
2 Installation
2.1 Mandatory Pre-requisites
Python 2.7 or higher
DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library, version 4 or above (http:
R (
The following R package:
2.2 Optional Pre-requisites
To “calibrate” the simulation biogeographical submodel, you need to estimate
the dispersal and extinction rate under the DEC or a DEC-like model, while to
calibrate the simulation trait model, you need to estimate the trait evolution
rate. archipelago provides a script that will “profile” your empirical tree for
you, estimating these rates.
To take advantage of this, you need at least one of the following installed
to estimate the dispersal and extinction rate under the DEC model:
BioGeoBears (R package)
However, you can also estimate these parameters yourself using BayArea or
RevBayes. In fact, I would highly recommend that you do the latter if you
have a large number of geographical areas (e.g. more than 8), or you wish to
incorporate uncertainty in the parameter estimates.
Similarly, the archipelago uses the R package “GEIGER” to estimate
the trait evolution rate. You can, of course, use any other method that you
2.3 Installation from Source
Run the following in the top-level directory of the project:
python install
3 Usage
3.1 Overview of Workflow
Let D be the target data, consisting of an ultrametric phylogeny with each
of the tips associated with a geographic range (presence/absence over one or
more areas) as well as with set of trait states. Let M = {M
, M
, ...M
} be
a set of k models that we are interested in studying. Let S(·) be a function
that takes a set of data returns a set of summary statistics. Our analytical
objective is, for each M
, M
M, estimate the probability that it generated
the target data D, relative to all the other models in M. The operational
procedure consists of the following steps:
1. Simulation of Training Data: For each M
, M
M, simulate n
replicates of data, D
. We label each replicate of this data with the
name of the model that generated it (e.g., “Model i”). The set of all
data so generated constitutes the training data, D
2. Calculation of Summary Statistics: Calculate summary statistics
on the training data to yield, S(D
), and summary statistics on the
target data to yield S(D).
3. Classification of Target Data: Construct a Discriminant Analysis
(DA) function on principal components (PC) calculated on the train-
ing data set summary statistics, S(D
); apply the discriminant analysis
function to principal components calculated on the summary statistics
of the target data, S(D).
3.2 Simulation of Training Data
We use the program,”, to simulate the data un-
der each model in the set of competing models. The simulation program is
run separately for each of the models, with multiple independent replicates in
each run. Full details on this program invocation can be found by running: --help
A typical invocation of the program will have the following arguments:
A JSON or Python file containing nothing but a dictionary specifying
the full model under which to simulate data. This is described in detail
in the Model Specification section.
-n or --nreps
The number of independent replicates to simulate under this model.
-o or --output-prefix
The path and filename stem where the results will be saved.
For example, -n 100 -o results/m1 model1.json
will run 100 replicates under the model specified in the file “model1.json”
and all output will saved to files in the “results/” subdirectory with filenames
beginning with “m1”.
The simulation program produces the following output:
A collection of phylogenies in NEWICK format, where each phylogeny
represents the result from a single simulation replicate. The tips of
these trees represent lineages that occur in at least one of the focal
areas (in contrast to the phylogenies in the all-areas.trees file,
where all extant lineages are represented, regardless of where they oc-
cur). The distribution and trait states of the tip lineages are encoded
in the tip labels. This is the data that is of primary analytical inter-
est, and will be passed to the summary statistics calculation program,
A collection of phylogenies in NEWICK format, where each phylogeny
represents the result from a single simulation replicate. The tips of these
trees represent all extant lineages at the end of the simulation, regardless
of whether or they occur in the focal areas. The distribution and trait
states of the tip lineages are encoded in the tip labels.
A detailed log of the run.
A description of the model that the run executed. This can be used to
confirm that the model used corresponded to the model that was input.
In addition, for default settings or values may have been used aspects
or parameters that were not specified in the input model file, and these
are recorded here.
3.2.1 Model Specification
We specify the model under which we simulate data using
by a model file. This is a JSON file providing a single dictionary as its only
element. An example of a basic model specification is:
model_id: "samplemodel1",
"areas": [
"label": "a1", "is_supplemental": false, "relative_diversity": 1.0,
"area_connection_weights": [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"label": "a2", "is_supplemental": false, "relative_diversity": 1.0,
"area_connection_weights": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"label": "a3", "is_supplemental": false, "relative_diversity": 1.0,
"area_connection_weights": [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"label": "a4", "is_supplemental": false, "relative_diversity": 1.0,
"area_connection_weights": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
"label": "s1", "is_supplemental": true, "relative_diversity": 1.0,
"area_connection_weights": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
"traits": [
"label": "Trait1", "nstates": 3, "transition_rate": 0.01,
"transition_weights": [
[0.0, 0.5, 0.5],
[0.5, 0.0, 0.5],
[0.5, 0.5, 0.0]
"label": "Trait2", "nstates": 2, "transition_rate": 0.01,
"transition_weights": [
[0.0, 1.0],
[1.0, 0.0]
"diversification": {
"mean_birth_rate": 0.1,
"lineage_birth_weight": {
"definition_type": "lambda_definition",
"definition": "lambda lineage: 1.0",
"description": "fixed: 1.0"
"mean_death_rate": 0.1,
"lineage_death_weight": {
"definition_type": "lambda_definition",
"definition": "lambda lineage: 1.0",
"description": "fixed: 1.0"
"anagenetic_range_evolution": {
"global_area_gain_rate": 0.2,
"lineage_area_gain_weight": {
"definition_type": "lambda_definition",
"definition": "lambda lineage: 1.0",
"description": "fixed: 1.0"
"mean_area_loss_rate": 0.1,
"lineage_area_loss_weight": {
"definition_type": "lambda_definition",
"definition": "lambda lineage: 1.0",
"description": "fixed: 1.0"
"cladogenetic_range_evolution": {
"sympatric_subset_speciation_weight": 1.0,
"single_area_vicariance_speciation_weight": 1.0,
"widespread_vicariance_speciation_weight": 1.0,
"founder_event_speciation_weight": 0.0
"termination_conditions": {
"target_focal_area_lineages": 50,
"gsa_termination_focal_area_lineages": null,
"max_time": null
The model dictionary consists of the following elements:
“model id”
This key takes an arbitrary string value that identifies the category or
class of model being run. It will serve as the identifier of all data gen-
erated under this model. Each tree generated under this model will
have the metadata item, model id”, with this value associated with
it. Each set of summary statistics calculated on each tree will have
an additional field, model id added to it to document the generat-
ing model by the value given to this field. The classification programn”, will expect the training data summary
statistics to have a column with this name, and it will use the values of
this column to determine the origin or source of the data.
This key defines the geographical template. Its corresponding value is a
list of dictionaries with the following keys, with each dictionary defining
a distinct area:
A unique string value giving the name or identifier for the area.
“is supplemental”:
A boolean (true or false) specifying whether or not the area is
a focal area or a supplemental area. Focal areas are areas from
which the lineages are sampled, while supplemental areas are area
that interact with the focal areas ecologically, evolutionarily, and
biogeographically, but are not sampled in the target data. For
example, when analyzing a group of Western Pacific islands, we
may consider the island groups to be focal areas, but Australia and
Papua New Guinea may be considered supplemental areas, because
our target data only spans lineages that have representatives in the
focal areas, though there is no doubt that the evolutionary history
of those lineages includes Australia and Papua New Guinea.
“area connection weights”:
A list of positive real values which provides the dispersal weights
from the area being defined to all other areas, specified in the or-
der when they are defined. Note that this includes the connection
weight to the same area as well, and this is must be set to 0.0.
If not specified, by default it is assumed that all areas are equally
connected (i.e., connection weights default to 1.0, except for the
self-connection weight, which is 0.0.).
This key defines the traits. Its corresponding value is a list of dictionaries
with the following keys, with each dictionary defining a distinct trait:
A unique string value giving the name or identifier for the trait.
A non-zero positive integer specifying the number of distinct
states that the trait has.
A positive real specifying the mean rate of change per unit time
for the trait.
“transition weights”: (optional)
A list of lists specifying the relative weights (as positive real val-
ues) for each state transition. If not given, equal rates are assumed
for all transitions.
This key defines the diversification processes (speciation and extinction).
It consists of a dictionary with the following two keys:
“mean birth rate”:
The birth rate of the branching processes under a birth-death model:
i.e., the mean per-lineage rate of speciation. This will be modified
for each lineage by the lineage birth weight function specified below,
but the simulation will maintain this mean across all lineages.
“lineage birth weight”:
A lineage-specific weight function definition (see below) specifying
the weight of the probability of speciation of this lineage relative
to the others. This will be normalized across the phylogeny to
maintain the birth rate given by mean birth rate.
“mean death rate”:
The death rate of the branching processes under a death-death
model: i.e., the mean per-lineage rate of extinction. This will be
modified for each lineage by the lineage death weight function spec-
ified below, but the simulation will maintain this mean across all
“lineage death weight”:
A lineage-specific weight function definition (see below) specifying
the weight of the probability of extinction of this lineage (i.e., the
death weight in a birth-death branching process submodel, not the
“extinction” or area loss weight of the DEC biogeographical sub-
model) relative to the others. This will be normalized across the
phylogeny to maintain the death rate given by mean death rate.
“anagenetic range evolution”
This key defines the anagenetic range evolution processes (area gain and
area loss). It consists of a dictionary with the following two keys:
“global area gain rate”:
This corresponds to the area gain rate parameter in the BayArea
model the d or “global dispersal” parameter in the DEC model.
“lineage area gain weight”:
A lineage-specific weight function definition (see below) specifying
the relative weight at which a lineage gains an area in its range rel-
ative to the other lineages. This will be normalized across the phy-
logeny to maintain the global area gain rate given by global area gain rate”.
“mean area loss rate”:
This corresponds to the area loss rate in the BayArea model the e
or “extinction” (really, extirpation) parameter in the DEC model.
“lineage area loss weight”:
A lineage-specific weight function definition (see below) specifying
the relative weight at which a lineage loses an area in its range rel-
ative to the other lineages. This will be normalized across the phy-
logeny to maintain the mean area loss rate given by mean area loss rate”.
“cladogenetic range evolution”
This key defines the relative weights of the cladogenetic range evolution
speciation modes. It consists of a dictionary with the following keys,
with the value of each key being the weight of that mode relative to all
other modes:
subset speciation weight”:
Default value: 1.0.
“single area vicariance speciation weight”:
Default value: 1.0.
“widespread vicariance speciation weight”:
Default value: 1.0.
“founder event speciation weight”:
Default value: 0.0.
“termination conditions”
This key defines the conditions which determine when the simulation
should end. Its value is a dictionary consisting of one of the following
“target focal area lineages”:
A non-zero positive integer that specifies the minimum number of
extant lineages that occur across all focal areas. Once this number
is reached or exceeded, the simulation terminates. Typically, if this
mode of termination is used, this will be set to the number of tips
of the target data phylogeny.
“max time”:
A positive real number that specifies the maximum time the sim-
ulation should run. Typically, if this mode of termination is used,
this will be set to the root age of the target data phylogeny.
3.2.2 Lineage-Specific Weight Function
A number of process rates (speciation, extinction, area gain, area loss) are
modified by a “lineage-specific weight function”. This allows the rate of the
process to vary depending on the trait state or other attributes of the lineage.
For each process, the weight function can be specified in one of four ways:
a fixed value, a (Python) lambda expression, a trait state mapping, or as a
Python function object. Fixed-Value Lineage-Specific Weight Function
With a fixed-value lineage-specific rate function, the rate of the process is the
same, fixed, constant value regardless of lineage. That is, all lineages uncondi-
tionally have the same relative rate for the process throughout their lifetimes
in the simulation. A fixed-value lineage-specific rate function is specified by
providing a dictionary like the following as the value for the process key:
"definition_type": "fixed_value",
"definition": 1.00,
The value assigned to “definition” does not really matter, as it will be nor-
malized across all lineages and multipled by the mean or global rate for the
process: the key point here is that all lineages get the same weight. Trait State Mapping Lineage-Specific Weight Function
Here, you provide a list of weight values for that processes parameter, with
a one-to-one correspondence to the states of an trait defined previously. For
example, if you have defined a trait with the label “color” and three states:
{"label": "color", "nstates": 3, "transition_rate": 0.01}
you could define a process that takes on the is weighted by 0.0 if the “color”
trait of a lineage was in state 0, 0.5 if the trait was in state 1, and 1.0, if the
trait was in state 2 by specifying:
"definition_type": "trait_state_index_map:color",
"definition": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
These weight represent the rate of the process for a lineage relative to others
based on the trait state. The overall rate of the process across the phylogeny
remains the same; it is just “distributed” across lineages differentially based
on the state of the “color” trait associated with the lineage. Lambda-Expression Weight Function
The weight function is given as a Python lambda function definition. The
lambda function should take a single argument, an object of the “Lineage”
class, and return a real value representing the weight with which to modify
the process for this lineage, relative to other lineages, at this particular point
in time. For example, the following replicates the above trait state mapping:
"definition_type": "lambda_definition",
"definition": "lambda lineage: 0.0 if lineage.traits_vector[0] == ’0’ else
(0.5 if lineage.traits_vector[0] == ’1’ else 1.0)"
Note that trait types are 0-based numeric indexes, while trait states are char-
acter values, “0”, “1”, “2“, etc. archipelago internally uses character values
to specify trait states as this allows for special states such as “NA” or “null”.
Again, these weights represent the rate of the process for a lineage relative to
others based on the trait state, and the overall rate of the process across the
phylogeny remains the same.
As another example, the following inspects the distribution vector of a
lineage and returns a weight of 1.0 if the first area is occupied and 0.5 if not:
"definition_type": "lambda_definition",
"definition": "lambda lineage: 1.0 if lineage.distribution[0] == 1 else
In constrast to trait states, absence/presence in an (0-based indexed) area is
indicated by numeric values, 0 and 1, respectievly.
3.3 Calculation of Summary Statistics
3.4 Classification of Target Data
3.5 Profiling the Target Data
3.6 Encoding the Target Data
To calculate the summary statistics or profile the target data using archipelago,
we need to communicate the trait and geographical data associated with the
tips of the the target phylogeny to the program. This is achieved by encoding
the information in the labels of the phylogeny. The tip label for each lineage
consists of three components separated by a carat (“^”) character:
The first component (“s68” in the above example) is an arbitrary species
index that uniquely identifies each lineage.
The second component (“1.2.0” in the above example) is the vector of trait
states for the species. The states of each trait for the lineage is represented by
an integer index separated by a period. In this example, there are three trait
types, with the value of the first trait type “1”, the second “2”, and the third
“0”. Note that the first trait state is indexed by 0, not 1. That is, if there are
“n” states, then the set of valid trait state indexes is {0, 1, 2, ..., n 1}. All
lineages in the system must have the same number of trait types (three, in
this example), and the trait state values are assumed to be given in sequential
The third component (“0011” in the above example) is the geographical
presence/absence vector for the lineage, where “0” indicates the absence of a
lineage from the area, and “1” indicates the presence. In this example, the
lineage is absent from the first and second areas, but present in the third
and fourth. All lineages must have their presences or absences specified in all
Consider a system given by the following phylogeny:
[&R] ((A:1,B:1):3,(C:3,(D:2,E:2):1):1);
where the traits are represented by the following character matrix:
A 001
B 011
C 201
D 100
E 211
and the distribution over six areas is represented by the following incidence
A 110001
B 010011
C 101101
D 001100
E 011111
We would then encode this information in the phylogeny as follows:
[&R] ((A^0.0.1^110001:1,B^0.1.1^010011:1):3,(C^2.0.1^101101:3,(D
3.7 Encoding the Target Data Using the Utility
Given the proper input, the program will
produce appropriately encoded trees for you, removing the tedium of the en-
coding task. This program requires the following inputs:
A phylogeny tree file, in Newick or Nexus format, specified using the
-p or --phylogeny option.
A traits data file, in Phylip or Nexus format, specified using the -t” or
--traits option.
A geography data file, in Phylip or Nexus format, specified using the
-g or --geography option.
It writes the encoded trees to the standard output, which you can store in a
file using the gt redirection operator. For example: -p phylogeny.tre -g geography.dat -t traits.
dat > encoded-phylogeny.trees
The file encoded-phylogeny.trees“ will now contain the tree with tip labels
encoded with the geography and traits data.
4 Walk-Through of a Basic
4.1 Analytical Objectives
Island i
Island j
Island i
Island j
As an example of a very ba-
sic analysis, let us consider
testing whether or not dis-
persal is constrained by habi-
tat association of a lineage
(Figure). We propose two
different models, each corre-
sponding to a different dis-
persal regime. In the “un-
constrained” model, lineages
are free to disperse between islands regardless of their habitat affinities. In
the “constrained” model, ony lineages associated with the disturbed or open
habitats can disperse between islands, while lineages associated with interior
habitats are not able to disperse. The habitat affinities of the lineages them-
selves are modeled as a discrete binary trait that evolves stochasitcally over
the phylogeny. That is, each lineage has a habitat trait, which can either be
in the “disturbed” or “interior” state, and the state of this trait determines
whether or not the lineage is capable of dispersing in the “constrained” model.
Thus, in the unconstrained model, lineages disperse between interior habitats
on different islands directly. In the constrained model, on the other hand,
lineages cannot disperse between interior habitats directly: they have to move
into a disturbed habitat association in ecological space over evolutionary time,
at which phase they are capable of dispersing into new islands, and then re-
invade the interior habitats on those new islands by, again, moving into them
in ecological space over evolutionary time.
4.2 The Target Data
We will analyze the data set discussed in Sukumaran et al. 2015. This is a data
set of birds in Wallacea, originally presented in Carstensen et al. 2013. We
will be focussing on a subset of 365 species for which sufficient ecological data
is available that allows us to categorize them into either “open” (disturbed)
or “undisturbed” habitat species. The data, model files, etc. for this analy-
sis can be found in the examples/wallacea bird dispersal by habitat/
subdirectory of the project directory. The subdirectory “original-data” has
the full phylogeny of 549 species (“master”), from the Jetz et al.
(????) paper as well as a comma-separated value formatted file with the ge-
ographical, ecological, and other information from the Carstensen et al. 2013
4.3 Simulating the Training Data
We will simulate data under two classes of models: “unconstrained” and “con-
strained”. In this analysis, we will be using the basic DEC biogeography model
as our bigeography (sub)model. We will need to specify the following rates:
The speciation or birth rate
In the DEC model as implemented by lagrange and BioGeoBEARS,
speciation is not an explicit process: the model is conditioned on the
speciation event timings and structure given by the input phylogeny,
which is (typically) taken as truth. However, in Archipelago, we explic-
itly model the diversification process and sample phylogenies as part of
the training data. While Archipelago supports a full birth-death model,
we will not be modeling lineage extinction directly under this model.
Instead, following the DEC model, we will model lineage extinction as
part of the biogeographical submodel, with a lineage going extinct when
its range is reduced to the null set, i.e. when it has lost all areas from its
range. The speciation process is a nuisance process with respect to our
study question, and both “unconstrained” and “constrained” classes of
models will be set to the same fixed speciation rates. We will estimate
the speciation rate under a pure-birth Yule model using the empirical
target phylogeny.
The trait transition rate
We use a simple equal-rates (ER) trait transition submodel. As with
the diversification submodel, the trait evolution process is nuisance pro-
cess with respect to our study question, and both “unconstrained” and
“constrained” classes of models will be set to the same fixed trait tran-
sition rate, as estimated from the empirical target data.
The global rate of area gain
This corresponds to the “dispersal” or d” parameter in the DEC model.
We will estimate this rate based on the empirical target data under
the basic DEC model, using lagrange, BioGeoBEARS, BayArea, or
RevBayes. In the “unconstrained” class of model, this rate will be used
by all lineage equally. In the “constrained” class of model, we will use
a trait-state mapping function which will return a modifier weight of 0
if the lineage habitat trait is in “interior” state and a modifier weight
of 1.0 the lineage trait is “disturbed” state. This means that lineages
associated with the “interior” habitat will not disperse and colonize any
new areas, while lineages associated with the “disturbed” state will. The
actual rate of the area gain process for each lineage associated with the
“disturbed” habitat state will vary, but will fulfill the following con-
1. All lineages with the “disturbed” habitat state will have the same
rate of area gain at any point in time
2. The phylogeny-wide area gain rate will be the “global rate of area
gain“ specified.
This means, that, at typically stationary distribution under an equal-
rates transition model, where on the average half the lineage are in the
“disturbed” state, the actual rate of area gain per “disturbed”-area lin-
eage will be approximately twice the global area gai rate to compensate
for the fact that half the lineages in the phylogeny are not dispersing.
The global rate of area loss
This corresponds to the “extinction” (extirpation) or e parameter in
the DEC model. We will estimate this rate based on the empirical tar-
get data under the basic DEC model, using lagrange, BioGeoBEARS,
BayArea, or RevBayes. The rate of area loss is the same under both the
“unconstrained” and “constrained” models, and thus the estimated rate
will be used as a fixed rate for this process under both these models.
4.3.1 Estimating the Rate Parameters from the Empirical
Data to Calibrate the Simulations
Setting the parameters for the various processes (diversification, area gain,
area loss, etc.) is known as calibrating the model. As noted above, this is
typically done by setting the rates to estimates based on the target data. The
archipelago package provides a program, that
conveniently does this for you. It requires that the target phylogeny labels
have trait and geographical data encoded. The subdirectory target-data
of the Wallacean example directory has the original phylogeny pruned down
to the 365 species that are the focus of this study, with trait and geographical
data encoded in the labels. We can run the profiler program on this phylogeny
to yield the training data process rate parameters: --estimate-dec-lagrange target-data/wallacea.newick
if we have (the C++) lagrange installed, or, otherwise: --estimate-dec-biogeobears target-data/wallacea.newick
if we want to estimate the DEC model parameters using BioGeoBEARS.
This program will provide a “profile” of this phylogeny (provide MLE’s
of speciation, trait transition, area loss, and area gain rates). The result is a
comma-separated value (CSV) formatted-file with one entry per tree passed
to it. As here we are only using a single tree, there is only one data row. The
results can be seen in the file wallacea.profile.csv which includes the
following information:
Field Value 365
root.age 106.998428
pure.birth.rate 0.05482309568853121
trait.1.est.transition.rate 0.062247
area.est.transition.rate 2.396912
biogeob ears.dec.dispersal.rate 0.018156246
biogeob ears.dec.extinction.rate 0.002645152
4.3.2 Setting up the Training Data Models
We will create two models to generate the training data, “unconstrained” and
“constrained”. The files corresponding to these models can be found in the
examples/wallacea bird dispersal by habitat/training-data-models
subdirectory of the project: unconstrained.json and constrained.json”,
The first entry in each model file is the identifier for each of the models:
"model_id": "unconstrained",
"model_id": "constrained",
These identifiers are crucial to allow the training data items to be as-
signed to the correct generating model, which itself is crucial for the proper
construction of the discriminant analysis functions. The model identifiers will
be assigned to the each tree generated by the simulations under each model,
and will be propagated through rest of the pipeline by other programs.
Both models share the same geographical template, consisting of four focal
areas and two supplemental areas, and are coded identically. The four focal
areas represent the four island “modules” in the original data: Banda Sea,
Lesser Sundas, Maluku, and Sulawesi. The two supplemental areas represent
the two continental sources: Sundaland (Asia) and the Sahul Shelf (Australia
and Papua New Guinea).
"areas": [
{ "is_supplemental": true, "label": "b1" },
{ "is_supplemental": true, "label": "b2" },
{ "is_supplemental": false, "label": "a1" },
{ "is_supplemental": false, "label": "a2" },
{ "is_supplemental": false, "label": "a3" },
{ "is_supplemental": false, "label": "a4" }
Both models also share the same trait regime: a single two-state trait, rep-
resenting the habitat associated with each lineage. We use the trait transition
rate estimated under an equal-rates model on the original data as the training
data simulation trait transition rate.
"traits": [
{ "label": habitat, "nstates": 2, "transition_rate": 0.062247}
Both models also share the same diversification regime, and we use the birth
rate estimated from the original data as the fixed, constant birth rate for both
models. We also set the death rate to a fixed, constant rate of 0.0 for both
models. (The Archipelago model distinguishes between the death rate of the
birth-death branching process, which is sometimes referred to as the “extinc-
tion” rate, and the rate of area loss, which is also called the “extinction” rate
in the original DEC model description and related literature. Here, following
the DEC model, we do not explicitly model extinction of lineages, but instead
model extinction implicitly through modeling of the rate of area loss.)
"diversification": {
"mean_birth_rate": 0.05486829846551938,
"mean_death_rate": 0.0
We do not specify lineage-specific weight functions, and these default to equal
and fixed weights across all lineages, equivalent to:
"lineage_birth_rate": {
"definition_type": "fixed_value",
"definition": 1.0
"lineage_death_rate": {
"definition_type": "fixed_value",
"definition": 1.0
The anagenetic rate of area gain is where the models differ. Both models
actually share the same global area gain rate as estimated on the original data:
"anagenetic_range_evolution": {
"global_area_gain_rate": 0.018156246,
But the overall rate is distributed across lineages differently in the two models
based on the state of the habitat trait of the lineages.
In the “unconstrained” model, all lineages share the same rate:
"anagenetic_range_evolution": {
"global_area_gain_rate": 0.018156246,
"lineage_area_gain_rate": {
"definition_type": "fixed_value",
"definition": 1.0
However, in the “constrained” model, we only allow lineages that are as-
sociated with a state index of “0” (which we are arbitrarily assigning to mean
the “open” or “disturbed” state) are allowed to disperse:
"anagenetic_range_evolution": {
"global_area_gain_rate": 0.018156246,
"lineage_area_gain_rate": {
"definition_type": "trait_state_index_map:habitat",
"definition": [ 1.0, 0.0 ]
We use a trait state mapping function to specify this regime, where lineages
that are associated with a state index of “1” are prohibited from dispersing
by assigning them a rate modifier weight of 0.0. Here, we identify the trait
by the label that we assigned to it in the trait definition (“habitat”) in the
“definition type” field, and for the “definition” field we provide a list of values,
with each element in the list specifying the rate rate for the state with the
corresponding index, so that the first rate is associated with the first trait
state, the second rate is associated with the second trait state, and so on.
4.3.3 Running the Simulations
We use the program to simulate the training
data. We generate 200 replicates under each of the models, saving the results
to appropriately named output locations: --nreps 200 --output-prefix unconstrained_training
unconstrained.json --nreps 200 --output-prefix constrained_training
The above commands will generate two sets of output files, one beginning with
the prefix “unconstrained training” and the other beginning with the prefix
“constrained training”. See the output file description section for details on
the files produced. Here, we are interested in the files with the extension
.focal-areas.trees“: these are the phylogenies that we need for the next
stage. The above commands can be run on multiple computers simulata-
neously, or launched on the a multi-core computers multiple times in parallel,
with all the .focal-areas.trees collected and passed to the next stage:
summary statistic calculation.
4.4 Calculation of Summary Statistics
We calculate summary statistics on both the training data as well as the
original empirical data. We use the program
to calculate the summary statistics. This program takes the path of one or
more phylogenies as arguments and produces a comma-separated value file of
summary statistics as output, with one row of summary statistics for each
phylogeny passed as input. While not a mandatory argument, explicitly spec-
ifying the output filenames using the -o or --output-filepath option
is a good idea; otherwise, output gets written to the standard output in-
stead of being saved to a file. The input phylogenies must be in NEWICk
format, and have trait and geographical data encoded in the labels. The
simulation program does this naturally, and,
in addition, tags the trees with a model identifier label in such a way that” recognizes this and adds it to the CSV file in a
way that allows the next program in the pipeline,”,
to use it. Note that we must calculate the summary statistics of the training
data separately from the target data, and save the results of each to separate
To calculate the summary statistics for the training data we issue the fol-
lowing command (assuming that the simulations in the previous step wrote
their output to files with unconstrained training and constrained training
prefixes: --output-filepath summaries/training.summaries.csv
unconstrained_training.focal-areas.tree constrained_training.focal-areas.
This will result in a file with the name training.summaries.csv in the
summaries subdirectory that contains all the training data summary statistics
for the next stage.
To calculate the summary statistics for the target data we issue the fol-
lowing command: --output-filepath summaries/target.summary.csv target
This will result in a file with the name target.summary.csv in the summaries
subdirectory that contains the target data summary statistics for the next
4.5 Model Selection
The final stage of the analysis is where we attempt to classify the target data
with respect to the generating model, i.e. model selection. We use the program for this. This program takes, as a minimum, a
path to a target data summary statistics file and one or more paths to training
data summary statistics files. The first positional argument is take to be the
target data summary statistics file while the remaining positional arguments
are taken to be the training data summary statistics files. As above, it is
a good idea to explicitly specify and output filepath using the -o option
to save the output to a file. In addition, it is highly recommended to use
the --describe-trained-model option to save details about the machine
learning model used to classify the target data. We also need to tell the
classifier how many principal components to use to build the discriminant
analysis function. We will use the --optimize-npca to tell the classifier to
use as the number of principal components that maximize the probability of
correctly (re-)classifying the training data, with penalty factor of 0 (i.e., do not
apply a penalty weight for each principal component used). So, for example,
we run our the classification program on the data that we have generated
above using the following command: --optimize-npca 0 -o result.csv --describe-trained-
model dapc-details.txt summaries/target.summary.csv summaries/training.
This primary classifier output, written to result.csv in the above, is
comma-separated value file which include the following fields:
The value of this field is the identifer (name or label) of the generating
model that most probably generated the data.
posterior.<MODEL ID>
This is the relative weight in support of the model with the identifier